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By the time we arrived at the sports building the nervous pit in my stomach was gone

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By the time we arrived at the sports building the nervous pit in my stomach was gone. I was still on edge about the whole thing which explained me picking at the white nail polish on my nails. With my brother's whole fame thing I was kind of in the dark to the outside world. When I had Rosen, Kayden paid Archers Times to put out a fake statement that I was on a beauty retreat. I was feeling all these different emotions at once. Stress being one of the many.

"You'll be fine" Kayden placed his warm hand on top of mine. Out of reflexes I pulled my hand back instantly feeling bad. "I understand," Kayden said thoughtfully, giving me my space. "Look Jules, I know this is a lot for you. But for the sake of my career" Kayden paused, shooting me a quick glare. His left eyebrow moved in a slow twitch, this wasn't going to go well.

"Valeria is Rachel's daughter" I didn't care about the rest. I was already infuriated thinking about it. Lying saying Val is Rachel's?! I mean yeah I'm a bit young for a child but Rosen is mine, simple.

At the same time I had to think about Kayden's career . If they find out we have been hiding the fact that I have a child they will find out why she was taken from me which will only bring conflict to Kayden's career. "Please. Jules helped me out for once" Kayden gripped the steering wheel harshly. His knuckles turned three shades lighter than his normal color. "Does Rachel know-" Before I could even finish Val started making babbling noises. I guess that's my answer, or not- "Yes she does, but I did it to protect you"

blah blah blah I'm sorry I'm such a ass speech I just don't want you to slit your wrist because they ran out of your favorite ice cream speech. I loved Kayden so much but it's tiring being around him. Yes he takes care of me and play the big brother role but he also tries to be a therapist for me and I tell him time and time I don't need that. This is a problem I can solve on my own, I started it and I'm going to finish it.

I don't need Kayden looking over my every move. I just need to start over, I've been trying to leave here for as long as I remember but I stayed for Kayden.
"We're going to be late. '' I mumbled under my breath before quickly getting out of the car, stumbling as my heel hit the icy concrete . Maybe it wasn't a good idea for me to wear a skirt and heels. But I have to be presentable. I opened the backseat to see Valeria wide awake trying to peak her head out of her car seat. I unbuckled her car seat and wrapped her in crochet blankets that I'm guessing Rachel made for her with her name Valeria embroidered in rose gold in the middle.

Valeria was a light baby which could be a good thing but I want to make sure that she's completely healthy so I made a mental note to ask Rachel about my own child's health. I grabbed the baby bag and placed it on my shoulder as I smuggled Valeria close to my chest. It was so cold outside that Vals cheeks were bleached red. "Do you need help?" Kayden came around the car fixing the cuff to his suit. I shot him an agitated glare before placing a fixable smile on my face and walking through the doors.

Immediately met with Jason, Kayden manager. Jason has been close with Kayden for as long as I can remember, Jason is the one who got Kayden signed with The Archers. Jason's eyes almost popped out of their socket as he laid eyes on Val. He quickly walked over glaring at Kayden. Oh shit. Jason ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair that was nicely styled with gel before he did that.

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