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With no time to waste I woke Ellie up

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With no time to waste I woke Ellie up. She was reluctant on going anywhere but I wanted her to feel better.

So I'm taking her out on a day to pamper. Like the Spa, and shopping. To make her feel good about herself.

Some people might not agree with what I'm doing but I know how it feels to be a teenage girl and everyone at school is judging you, and putting your appearance down. And all you want to do is feel pretty.

When Ellie was getting ready, Valentine woke up and said she wanted to join. So why not have a girls day? It was freezing outside so I dressed val in her teddy bear outfit that comes with a coat. It's so cute!

This morning she was a bit fussy. As I was brushing her hair she was crying but she wasn't like having a tantrum she was just crying. I gave her many hugs and kisses but she was still in a mood.

I put her down so that I could get Ready but she followed me into the bathroom.

Privacy doesn't exist when you have a kid.

I was going to wear a pair of jeans and a tee shirt with a jacket but the pair of jeans didn't fit around my waist. Maybe I've had one two many donuts.

I tried on another pair of jeans. And another, and another. Eventually I gave up throwing on shorts as I rushed down stairs. I tried on skirts and jeans, and dress pants they didn't fit. Only thing that fit was my pairs of sweatpants.

"Nothing fits me anymore!" I complained as Ellie and Valentine exchanged a look. "I've tried on everything and nothing works. I blame Ansel for supplying me with donuts and letting me stuff my face in carbs" I grabbed the muffin and took a bite. Now I'm stress eating.

"Put the muffin down sweetie" Valentine took a sip of her coffee "We're going shopping today maybe you can i don't know.. get a more comfortable size?"

I frowned as I gave Val the rest of the muffin.

"If it helps we don't have to go anywhere.." Ellie shimmed in.

"No it's fine. Sweatpants it is" I went upstairs and changed into sweatpants and a hoodie. I looked in the mirror as I lifted up my sweatshirt . I looked at my stomach. I brushed it off as bloating and weight gain. Maybe that's just what it is.



"I'm seventeen It's just underwear" Ellie was aruging with Jovian on the phone. Paparazzi caught us walking into a lingerie store.

"Whatever. I'm getting it." She hung up rolling her eyes. She kept searching for what she liked and found comfort in. I even looked through some of the bras. I evened up getting a black lacy set.

We soon found a jeans store she wanted to go in. More so denim stores. Ellie picked out a pair of flare outs that she was skeptical on. She looked towards us for approval.

I shrugged "I say go for it." Valentine shrugged. We've been walking around the mall and looking for things and Ellie as been getting some things to make her feel better. Some clothes and shoes, the whole time she asked for approval if things looked good on her.

I wandered to the kids section of the store to but sims cute jeans with flower's embroidered on them for Val.

Ellie seemed happy with her choices of fashion and the facial, and medi pedi. The shopping session was coming close to an end. I refused to buy any more pants in a different size. I'm still flabbergasted.

"I'll be right back." Valentine smirked before she disappeared into a store.

"How're you feeling?" I asked Ellie, she smiled with a shrug

"Thanks you...I actually feel a bit better... still embarrassed " its never really about what you wear it's about how it makes you feel. Us going shopping and having a pampering day wasnt to try and make her look 'better' but to boost her confidence. If I feel good in what I'm wearing then I view myself better. All I wanted was for Ellie to feel the same way and now that she does it makes me happy.

"It's no problem. There's nothing to be embarrassed about.. if anything that boy should feel embarrassed for being a dick." She laughed at my language.

Val was asleep in her stroller.. I wished she would've waited so I could've napped with her.

"Ok I'm ready to go" Valentine smiled at me. I could see the bag sticking out in her purse. She remained with a slight guilty look.

Later back at the house I took a little nap with Val. "Jules" Valentine came in the room kinda waking me. I looked at her.


"Jovians here." I groaned turning to my side as Val hand smacked me in the face. I then turned the other way. "Tell him I'm sleeping." I threw the covers over my head. I feel exhausted.

"Actually... he's here with food."

"Tell him I'm on a diet" I mumbled into my covers. My eyes started to flutter. Sleep sounds so good right now.

"Ok.." she left the room. I fell back asleep quickly. When I woke up I felt energized again. Val was still asleep, like in a deep sleep. Like after thanksgiving dinner sleep.

I went down stairs rubbing my eyes. Valentine looked up at me pausing the tv. "Oh, the Jovian boy took Ellie home and told me to tell you to call him when you get a chance." She shook her head smiling "That boy looked disappointed when you didn't come down."

I should call him. I took a seat next to her "I had plans to go out with him today but that nap was too good." I let out a yawn.

She grabbed her purse and dug out a plastic bag "I know you're going to be mad." She handed me the bag with slight hesitation on her face.

I took it opening the bag, to surprise five pregnancy test.... Was two not enough?

"Fine just so I can prove all of you wrong." I took the test and went to the bathroom. As if it was a routine I peed in a plastic cup and dipped each stick in. Then I waited and waited..

 Then I waited and waited

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Remember this is the journey of Jules life, her obstacles she face. Their relationship is one of the things that's going to be a journey.

-Xoxo 💋

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