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Minutes before the disaster that made Jules go ballistic

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Minutes before the disaster that made Jules go ballistic. Me and Ellie were chilling at the house watching movies together.

I haven't heard from Jules in a week and she haven't been answering my calls so I figured she just needs her space like she usually does. But I still check up on her.

Ever since we found out what was in the Will it brought us closer together. Not only everything Ma owned was given to use she gave us envelopes with our names on it. Stacks of envelopes. Ellie has her stack, I have mine. They're all labeled different things for different occasions.

Then my phone started ringing. Ellie looked at me before going back to the movie. "Wassup?"

"What's up is I cant do this anymore!" She sounded hysterical as there as a lot of background noises.

Ellie looked at me knowingly. "And what exactly can't you do anymore?" I started putting on my sneakers knowing ima have to go over there.

"You know what... you want kids so bad. This is your problem!" She paused before a lot of motion happened and the line went dead.

"You must've really messed up this time." She shook her head with a smile.

"Put on your shoes you're coming with." Her smile slightly dropped "not so funny now."

"And what exactly can I do?"

"Everything I can't. Regualr jules is already scary thing about her but hormonal. You're a women so you know help her."

She mumbled something as she walked away.


I opened the door with slight hesitation. My first view was red shit all over the floor look like ketchup? And white powered. As I opens up the door some more I saw town up diapers. Next thing I know Val is running out screaming with an envelope in her hand. Then Jules come in chasing her. "Valeria!" She yelled as chased Valeria into the bathroom.

Ellie let out a snicker and I nudged her elbow. It wasn't until I heard a flush when Jules let out a frustrated yell.  They both walked out the room. Jules looked tired and over it. Her face was turning red which was usually a sign of her about to loose her shit.

Val was smiling as she sat on the floor in the mess.

"She flushed the pictures." Jules said in a devastated tone.

"What pictures?" I ask her taking a seat next to her. Ellie picked up Valeria and took her into another room.

"All morning she's been crying and acting out. She even threw her food at me. Then she was biting! Dead ass biting... and I've been sick all morning and she-" Jules started hyperventilating and talking over herself.

"And- I'm a bad mom. I just don't want her to touch me anymore or anything it just gets to much. She even got kicked out of daycare this week for biting! I don't understand how I messed up, I made sure she teethed and everything in just so over it."

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now