Sweet as pie.

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Looking around panic arose to my stomach making a weird grumble sound

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Looking around panic arose to my stomach making a weird grumble sound. As I was about to open the door, the door swung open making me stumble back, I automatically tighten my grip on Rosen.
Rosens a cute nickname, unless Rachel changed that too..

accidentally waking her up in the process. Kayden and Rachel soon appeared. My lips tightened at the sight of Rachel. "Thank goodness my baby is okay ''

Rachel stepped in first with her eyes red as if she's been crying. I couldn't help but feel a tight pull at my stomach 'my baby' her words didn't settle well in my stomach "You left! You weren't supposed to leave'' Rachel took Rosen from me. I tried to hold on, I really did. "She was crying- and I didn't know what to do- she wouldn't stop and I thought fresh air would help" I stammered over my words fiddling with my fingers harshly. "Im glad your okay" Kayden sent me a small smile, without saying another word Rachel stormed out. My feet automatically followed her movement "where are you going" I raised my voice high on her trail, not caring who was watching. "Home" Rachel answered shortly.

I picked up my paces grabbing her forearm "No. No, you're not taking Rosen from me again." I was determined knowing this was possibly my last chance. "How do I know you won't hurt her!" Rachel spun around redness bleaching her brown skin. "You had faith in me less than six hours ago!" I shouted, running a frustrated hand down my face. My emotions took over. I was upset about the whole situation. Rachel looked at Val then at my pleading eyes before she spun her heel and walked out the building. I was left standing there still in shock.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry Jules, Rachel wasn't supposed to go this far. We had worked out a plan to let you take Rosen on your off days if you got the job at the bakery." Kayden placed his hand on my arm but I jerked away from him.

"I'll be in the car" I said nonchalantly, I tried. I really tried. Kayden wasn't sorry, he was relieved that this didn't work out cause he's so damn worried about his career.

The car ride to the bakery that's just 10 minutes from the house was silent. I mostly stared out the window tracing patterns with the condensation on the window. Soon a small white building, I'm guessing made of bricks. There were hot pink and baby blue lines surrounding the bottom of the building. "Wait"

Kayden stopped me from opening the door. My head whipped around to stare at him. He dug in his suit pocket taking out a black leather wallet. "Here" He handed me his credit card

"Are you fucking insane? I just got my child taken from me. May I remind you it's your fault and you want me to go buy some damn purses or shit?!! Well news flash I don't want your money, I don't want your time. This probably wouldn't even be happening if you would've just let me leave when I wanted to instead of guilt tripping me to stay then having Valeria taking from me, For your sake! Not every goddamn thing is about you. And I mean this when I say shove your card up your ass" I threw the card at him before leaving the car.

I'm just so tired. Kayden didn't pull off until I was in the bakery. My sour mood soon dropped by the smell of baked goods. Specifically a sweet lemon smell. The inside looked even better than the outside, There were pink tables with matching blue chairs. The floor was painted checkered white and pink. The whole menu looked like an artist sketched it out and painted it. "Are you Jules Rivers?" The lady at the front behind the cash register asked.

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