Gang shit

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My head fucking hurts, a whole lot

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My head fucking hurts, a whole lot. It's pounding to a point where my ears are throbbing. I don't know how I feel right now. I've cried to much that it hurts for a year to even form. I sit up against the headboard feeling light headed after the little movement.

I glance at Jovian who failed to keep his hands to himself. All night he would throw his arm over me or just be close to me in general. I mean I don't mind, it was actually comforting.

When they took Rosen from me I felt like I just lost a piece of myself. I don't really have any idea how I'm going to get her back but I know I'll do anything to make sure she gets back to me.

The smell of bacon made my stomach churn. The thought of food made me gag. I staggered to my bathroom, falling down in front of the toilet. I started to puke uncontrollably. I flushed the toilet leaning back trying to catch my breath.

You need to get it together, for rosen.

My eyes wandered to my medicine cabinet. Using the counter for support I lifted myself up and opened the cabinet. My eyes searched the labels until I found the painkillers they prescribed me for my head injury. I stopped taking them because they made me feel.. different but it made me feel numb. I like that feeling.

I took the bottle in my hands. Should I? I mean it'll help me physically. I can't do shit, hell I don't want Jovian or any of the others to have to take care of me.

A knock on the door startled me "Jules you ight in there?" I struggled opening the pills then I finally got it to open.

"Yeah. I'll be out in a minute" I took five of the pills and stuffed them in my pockets. I stumbled around to put the bottle back.

I placed one of the pills in my mouth and swallowed, and took another one. Quick and easy. I opened the door still walking around in zigzags. Jovian was sitting on the edge of the bed running hand down his locs. "you look a bit pale." I used the wall to steady myself, what the fuck is wrong with me. My vision blurred. I squeezed my eyes shut and opened them to a normal sight again. "Can you get my glasses?" I pointed to the nightstand I thought,

"You're pointing at the window." I attempted to give him a glare. Within minutes I felt my glasses in my hand and I placed them on, blinking a couple of times. I'm good.

We soon made our way to the kitchen. Where Ansel was cooking. I fell back in a chair. Getting up in the morning without Rosen is a big setback. I love being able to hold her in the morning. Seeing her smile every morning.

"Jules you're good? You're shaking" Ansel came over to set a plate in front of me. I looked up at him and nodded. Kia came into view with scrubs on, "You gotta eat hun" Kia set a glass of water in front of me.

"I'm not hungry." I grabbed my phone off the table and texted someone who could help me right now. Someone who wouldn't pity me but help me get revenge.

Jules' Curse (#2) Where stories live. Discover now