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At the pawnshop, Mr Gold was packing a bag with several brochures and maps, when David and Athena barged into the shop.

"It appears when I bought that 'closed' sign, I was just throwing my money away," Mr Gold said as he turned to them.

"Looks like it," Athena said as she looked around.

"Sorry to hear about your wife and children. If you're looking for a retrieval, I'm afraid portal-jumping is just outside my purview," Mr Gold said.

"Of course it is," David said.

"So, what's the commotion outside?" Mr Gold asked.

"Oh, a little stir at the border. A problem crossing the line," David said.

"Do tell," Mr Gold said.

"Actually, I'm here to buy something...a way to find someone," David said.

"What, like a map?" Mr Gold questioned.

"Something with a bit more kick, like the ring you gave me to find Snow," David said.

"Oh, yeah. Magic. Whom are you two following?" Mr Gold asked.

"Not telling," David said.

"So, do you either of you have something of theirs, this missing person?" Mr Gold asked.

Athena looked over, "Yes," David and Athena said.

"May I see it?" Mr Gold asked.

"No," David and Athena said.

Mr Gold chuckled softly and took a vial out of a box behind him, "Pour this on the object and then follow it. So simple, even David Nolan could do it," Mr Gold said.

Mr Gold held it out, but pulled it back when David went to take it, "What do you want?" David asked.

"Peace. Leave me alone," Mr Gold glanced at Athena, "Both of you," Mr Gold said.

"Easy enough," Athena said.

"What do you care what David Nolan?" David asked.

"No. No. It''s Charming I worry about, and now there's two of you. I'd like a little...non-interference guarantee," Mr Gold said.

"I like this deal," Athena commented.

"Fine. If you give us the same. The both of us and you... we stay out of each other's way," David said.

Mr Gold held out the potion and David took it, "Thank you for your business," David and Athena started to leave, but Mr Gold interrupted them, "So, uh, what happens when you try and cross the border?" Mr Gold asked.

"You lose your memory of everything of our old lives. Looks like we're stuck here," David said and left.

Athena noticed his packed bag, "Guess you won't be needing that," Athena said and walked out.

After the door shut, Mr Gold angrily swung his cane, smashing two of his display cases.


Regina and Rumplestiltskin were still talking inside Regina's chambers.

"Oh, yes, I know everything about you, my dear. I held you in my arms. You were younger, more...portable. There is much history between your family and me...history both in the past and in the future," Rumplestiltskin said.

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