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Red Riding Hood, Helena and her wolf were running through the forest, towards a small campsite. Inside the campsite, Prince Charming, Snow White and several guards were gathered around a map, discussing a strategic plan as the two women arrived.

"King George's men are here on this ridge-," Prince Charming began to say when he looked up at Helena and Red Riding Hood.

"We have to move the camp. They're coming for us," Red Riding Hood said.

"No! We will not run! We said we were gonna take the kingdom back, and we can't do that with our tails between our legs," Red Riding Hood gave him a look as the wolf growled slightly, "No offense," Prince Charming looked at Helena, "He can understand me?" Prince Charming said as he pointed to the wolf.

Helena just looked at him, blankly, "Of course he can. He has a brain," Helena said.

"Anyways, matters have worsened. The King has a new general," Red Riding Hood said.

"Who is he?" Snow White asked.

"They call him the Leviathan. They say he attacks like a monster striking from the depths of the sea. You never see him coming, and you never survive," Helena said.

"We'll see about that," Prince Charming said.

"How close is his army?" Snow White asked.

An arrow tore through the tent, hitting the camp's table, "I'd say pretty close," Helena remarked.

"We should split up, divide them," Snow White said and everyone exited the tent as King George's men drew closer.

"Exactly. Go. Go! Go!" Prince Charming said.

Everyone scattered, except for Prince Charming who lingered back and Snow White looked at him, "Aren't you coming?" Snow White asked.

"He's after me. You'll have a better chance of escaping on your own," Prince Charming took her by the arms as she looked at him worriedly, "Don't worry. Meet me in two days time at the cabin," Prince Charming said.

"The cabin? Where she is? Are you sure?" Snow White asked.

"We're engaged. I think it's about time you met my mother," Prince Charming said and she smiled at him.

The both noticed a masked knight on horseback watching them from the distance, "Go, go," Prince Charming said.

Snow White took off into the woods, but was followed by the masked knight. The knight managed to get ahead of her, and knocked her down.

"Ah!" she fell down and looked at him with a glare, "What kind of general hides behind a mask? Who are you really, Leviathan?" Snow White asked.

"Leviathan? That's what they're calling me?" he removed his helmet, "Name's Lancelot," Lancelot said.

"Leviathan? That's what they're calling me?" he removed his helmet, "Name's Lancelot," Lancelot said

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