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Enchanted Forest...

The crow that Cora had ordered to go find the group, finally reached them in the forest where they were walking, looking for Cora. The crow landed on Mary Margaret's shoulder, making the twins and Mulan draw their swords.

"Wait," Mary Margaret said and the crow cawed at her, before flying off.

"What the hell was that?" Emma asked.

"Cora. We have until sundown to bring her the compass. If we don't, she'll kill Aurora," Mary Margaret said.

Mulan turned to Elias, "Give it to me," Mulan said.

"Hold on, Mulan. Just give us a minute to consider," Elias said.

"There's nothing to consider. A compass is not worth Aurora's life," Mulan said.

"We need a plan to get Aurora and keep the compass," Mary Margaret said.

"My vow to Phillip was to protect Aurora. That promise is all that is left of him, so it shall be done," Mulan said and tried to pull the compass out of Elias' hands.

"Hey. Hey!" Elias pulled it back as they both struggled against each other, "I climbed a beanstalk for this. You go get your own," Elias said.

"Give it to me!" Mulan said.

"Mulan. Mulan!" Emma said and pushed Mulan away.

"Give us a few hours, please. If we haven't defeated Cora by then, you can have the compass," Mary Margaret said.

"You can't hope to defeat her. We no longer have access to the Dark One's assistance," Mulan said.

"Yes, we do," Mary Margaret said and they all looked at her confused.

"How? Aurora's gone," Mulan said.

"Aurora isn't the only one who's been under a Sleeping Curse. I can go back to that Netherworld," Mary Margaret said.

"The door to that place is closed. You said it yourself," Mulan said.

"There may be a way. A way for me to go back into a deep slumber that can provide me access to it again," Mary Margaret said.

"Another sleeping curse?" Emma asked.

"No, not another curse. I don't need one. I've been under one already. I need to go into a sleep where my natural defenses slip away, where my mind stops protecting me," Mary Margaret said.

"How?" Elias asked.

Mary Margaret looked at Mulan, "Your sleeping powder. If I inhale it, I will fall into a deep enough sleep that I should be able to do this," Mary Margaret said.

"I used the last of it on the giant," Mulan said.

"Then make some more," Mary Margaret said.

"The poppy plant is extremely rare in this kingdom, but I know of a place that may grow some more. It's a bit of a journey from here," Mulan said.

"Can we make it by sundown?" Elias asked.

Mulan nodded, "We have to hurry," Mulan said.


Regina was tending to Henry's arm when Mr Gold stepped up, "Here. Let me take care of this," Mr Gold said before waving his hand over his arm, and it glowed purple as it healed Henry's wound.

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