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In the dining hall of the Dark Castle, Belle was reading, while Rumplestiltskin was sharpening the tools that he planned to use to kill the thief, "I'll try not to be too loud. Can't promise the same courtesy from our prisoner," he left the room, "Belle!" Rumplestiltskin yelled and stormed into the room again, "Where is he?"

"Gone, I let him go," Belle said.

"What? He's a thief," Rumplestiltskin said.

Belle looked at him, "Which doesn't give you the right to kill him," She said.

"It gives me every right. Oh, let me guess. You think he's a hero? Stealing from me for some noble cause? You read too many books, dearie!" he flicked his wrist, making Belle's book disappear, "There, maybe that'll stop filling your head with poisonous thoughts!" Rumplestiltskin said.

"I didn't free him because of what I read in my books. I saw good in him. That man only wanted to escape with his life," Belle said.

"Oh, is that what you thought? Our thief escaped with more than his life," she noticed him looking behind her at something, and she turned to see the wand missing from its rightful place, "You were tricked, you foolish, gullible girl!" Rumplestiltskin said.

"There must be an explanation," Belle turned back to him, "We don't know why he needed that wand," She said.

"He took the wand because he wanted magic! People who steal magic never have good intentions!" Rumplestiltskin said.

"No! No, you can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly know them," Belle said.

"Oh, we'll see what's in his heart, alright. When I shoot an arrow straight through it. And because I am a showman," he made the thief's bow appear, "It'll be with his bow. And because this is your fault, you get to come with me and watch, and know, as the blood drips from his carcass, it will be you and your rags to wipe it up," Rumplestiltskin said.

End of Flashback

David, Nadia and Mr Gold walked into the Rabbit Hole, "I still can't believe you forced me to be here," Nadia said.

"You'll live," David said.

"Yeah, we'll see," she scrunched up her nose, "Smells like a wasteland in here," Nadia said, disgustedly.

They noticed Lacey and Keith talking at the bar as she downed her shot, "Another round for the lady. I've had my eye on you for a while," Keith said.

"Thank you. Not my type," Lacey said.

David, Nadia and Mr Gold observed from the distance, "You might want to wait outside," Mr Gold said to them.

"Yes because violence always wins over a girl," Nadia said.

"Yes because violence always wins over a girl," Nadia said

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