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The dwarves were down in the mines, continuing to mine for fairy dust and Happy attempted to gather everyone around for a round of drinks.

"Pickaxes down, brothers! First round at Granny's is on me!" Happy said and his brother's stopped, but Leroy continued to work.

"Come on, Leroy. We're going to miss happy hour," Doc said.

"Granny's running a two-for-one special on mead," Happy said.

"Just cause it's called happy hour, Happy, don't mean you got to be there. We got work to do," Leroy said.

"But you're tired. We all are. A break could help," Happy said.

"Charming, Athena and Helena asked us to mine for dust, fairy dust. To help bring Snow and the twins back home. And that's..." Leroy swung his pickaxe at the wall, "What I'm..." he swung again, "Going to do!" Leroy said before swinging again and breaking through the wall, causing him to fall through into another cavern.


David, Athena and Nadia were called to the mines, where they walked through with Henry and Mother Superior until they encountered Happy.

"Where is he?" Nadia asked.

Happy guided them to where Leroy fell through, where they found Leroy and the other dwarves, along with hundreds of diamonds lining the ceiling and walls of the mine.

"Are those..." Henry said.

"Diamonds. They're back. The magic brought them back," Mother Superior said.

"You mean, the kind that become fairy dust?" Henry asked.

"Indeed. We just need to refine them, grind them up. Do you still have what remains of Jefferson's hat?" David took out the battered hat, "You lock this up. Keep it safe. Because, by this time tomorrow, we'll have enough magic dust to make it work again," Mother Superior said.

"So, Mary Margaret, Elias and Emma..." Henry said.

David smiled, "That's right, kid. We're bringing 'em home," David said.

Athena smiled, "You did it, guys," Athena said and the dwarves looked at her smiling.


Inside Granny's Diner, David, Mother Superior, Athena, Nadia, Belle and the dwarves were celebrating with a round of drinks, while Ruby was serving.

"To the dwarves!" David said and everyone cheered, taking a sip of their drinks.

Leroy accidentally spilled his drink over his beard, "That was quite a spill. Are you okay?" Athena asked and chuckled.

"I've had worse," Leroy said.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Athena said before she and Nadia walked over to Belle.

"Hey you," Nadia said.

"Hey," Belle smiled, "You got the diamonds, how you feeling?" Belle asked.

"Just want everyone home, where they belong," Nadia said and Athena glanced at her.

Ruby walked over to clear a table, "A mouse," Billy said as he watched her.

"What? Where?" Ruby said in a panic.

"No. I meant me. I was a mouse," Billy approached here, "My name was Gus. I lived in Cinderella's pantry, I ate cheese, I gnawed on wood, but I preferred the cheese," Billy said.

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