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Belle was in her hospital room, lying on her bed when Regina entered, making Belle look at her, "Who are you?" She asked.

"So it is true, you really don't remember anything," Regina said.

"Are we friends?" Belle asked.

"We spent some time together. But I'm here because I believe you can help me find something that belongs to Rumplestiltskin," Regina said.

"W...Who?" Belle asked.

"Mr Gold," Regina said.

"I, uh...I don't know him," Belle said.

Regina waved her hand, causing Belle to pass out, "Not anymore, but you did," Regina said and waved her hand again, opening Belle's purse and its contents levitated out. She looked through the items, until she spotted a small piece of paper and she plucked it out of the air. She flipped over the paper, reading the numbers 915.63 and smiled to herself, before exiting the room.


Cora, Regina and Captain Hook were inside the town library, where Regina was searching the shelves of books for the number she had found in Belle's purse.

"Shouldn't we be pillaging his shop or ransacking his home?" Captain Hook asked.

"That would be the obvious choice, yes, but Gold wouldn't risk crossing the town line and losing his memory without entrusting the dagger's location to someone," Cora said.

"Belle," Captain Hook said.

"My guess is she hid it in one of her beloved books," Regina said.

Cora moved over to her daughter, "Impressive, Regina," She said.

"Thank you, mother," Regina said.

"I'll be impressed when I'm holding the dagger in my hand," Captain Hoo said.

Regina found the correct spot where the book should be, but found it to be empty, "No, it should be here," Regina said.

"Well, it's not, is it? May we go now?" Captain Hook asked.

"Hold on," Cora pulled a folded piece of paper out from the space where the book should have been, "What's this?" Cora asked as she unfolded it.

Captain Hook approached them and looked at the paper, "Oh, yes. Crude. To the untrained eye, a child's scribbles, but to a's a map. Gold may not have hidden the dagger here, but I believe he's left us the next best thing. Its location," Captain Hook said.

"Can you read it?" Cora asked.

"Well, lucky for you ladies, I'm quite adept at finding buried treasure," Captain Hook said.


Inside the loft, Mary Margaret was telling the others about her phone call with Elias, "So, Rumplestiltskin is Henry's grandfather?" David asked.

"Apparently," Mary Margaret said.

"But I'm his grandfather," David said.

"You can have more than one, Dave," Athena reminded him.

"So, his...step-grandmother is Regina, the Evil Queen," David said.

"Actually, his step-great-grandmother, and she's also his adoptive mother," Mary Margaret said.

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