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Years later, a now eighteen-year-old Helena walked out of her and her brother's cave, where she found Grayson sharpening one of his hunting knives with the wolf lying beside him.

"I'm headed to the village, Gray," Helena said.

Grayson looked at her, "Take him with you," He said, gesturing to the wolf.

"I can fend for myself," Helena said.

"Lena," Grayson said as he tilted his head.

"I'll be fine," Helena said and walked past him

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"I'll be fine," Helena said and walked past him.

Grayson turned to her, "At least, take the little knife with you," He said, holding a knife out to her.

"I won't need it," she shook her head, "Besides, I'll only be gone for a little," Helena said and walked away from her older brother.


Helena arrived in the village where a few women glanced at her as they walked past her, sticking their noses into the air.

"Wow, stuck up much," Helena remarked, quietly.

One of the women heard her and turned to her, "What did you just say?" She asked her.

Helena looked at her, "Nothing," She said.

The woman approached her as the others held back, "No, you said something. What was it?" She asked again.

"I said it was nothing. Now, leave me be," Helena turned to walk away, but the woman grabbed her arm, stopping her and she looked back at her, "Let me go," the woman did nothing, "Please," Helena said.

The woman let out a laugh, "Did you hear that, ladies? Forest Girl has manners, who would have thought?" She said and the other women laughed.

"Forest girl?" Helena jerked her arm away, glaring at her, "You best be keeping your jaw shut, before it ends up in the dirt," Helena said, harshly.

"Huh, Forest Girl's got fire," Helena tilted her head and suddenly swung, punching the woman in the face, knocking her onto the ground, "Oh! You little-," The woman began to say.

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