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Inside the wolf's den, Anita and Red Riding Hood were still talking.

"Granny lied to me. That story about you being killed by hunters..." Red Riding Hood said.

"She's been lying to you ever since she stole you away from me, when you were just a baby," Anita said.

"Why would she do that?" Red Riding Hood asked, surprised.

"Because she didn't want you to find out the truth about who you really are. She believed the wolf is something to be ashamed of. I see things differently. Humans want us to believe we're the monsters. The moment you believe them...that's when you become one. You're not the first to learn the truth about yourself through tragedy. So many of us spent so much of our life suppressing the wolf. They have no idea how to control it," Anita exhaled heavily, "They just need embracing their true nature. The only way you will ever control the wolf, is by accepting it as a part of you," Anita said.

"You can teach me to do that?" Red Riding Hood asked.

"Indeed, I can," Anita said.

"How?" Red Riding Hood questioned.

"You can start, by getting rid of that," Anita said as she eyed the red hood, and Red Riding Hood removed before they hugged.

End of Flashback


Inside the Sheriff's Station, David locked Ruby in one of the cells the backed away as Nadia stepped up. She waved her hand over the door, placing a set of chains on the cell for extra security.

"You'll be safe here tonight," David said.

"Thanks, David, Lena," Ruby said.

"Thank us in the morning. By then, we'll have found whoever really killed Billy," Nadia said.

Spencer entered the station, "You already have," they looked at him as he pointed at Ruby, "That thing. That she-wolf," Spencer said.

"This dudes really getting on my nerves," Nadia commented as she leaned on the cell.

"Get out. Whatever issues you have with me, don't involve her. There's no proof Ruby had anything to do with what happened," David said.

"It seems to me, that you're both allowing your emotions to cloud your judgment," Spencer said.

"Leave them alone!" Ruby said.

"Protecting your friend at the peril of everyone else. I knew you'd slip up, shepherd, huntress. It was only a matter of time," Spencer said.

"Can I kill him?" Nadia questioned, silently and Ruby nudged her through the cell bars.

"What do you want?" David asked.

"Justice. Hand that over to me, and let the town decide her fate," Spencer said and Nadia scoffed.

"Never. I know exactly what kind of justice you have in mind," David said.

"This town is bigger than you think. I start telling people that you're both putting their lives in danger to protect your own interests? You'll have a mutiny on your hands," Spencer said.

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