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Flashback: Storybrooke - 1983

Somewhere in Maine, Kurt Flynn and his daughter, Olivia, were camping somewhere in the woods, where Kurt was teaching Olivia how to properly make plastic lanyard keychain.

"Yeah, there you go. That's it, a little tighter. Now pull the loops, as tight as you can," she pulled on the plastic tightly, "Ah, look at that. I mean, it's not bad for your first one," Kurt said.

"Green and red, like Luke and Darth's lightsabers," Olivia said.

"Hey. Here is one for your collection," he removed a lanyard from his keychain, "Your grandpa taught me how to make these when I was your age," Kurt said.

"You're giving it to me? It's mine now?" she looked at it, "You weren't very good at this when you were my age, were you?" Olivia asked.

Kurt laughed sarcastically, "Alright, smart one," he looked at his watch, "Yeah, time to get dinner started," Kurt said.

A strong gust of wind began to pick up, "What is that?" Olivia asked.

"Probably an electrical storm," lighting suddenly struck loudly nearby their campsite, "Put the fire out," they put the fire out together, "Get in the tent!" Kurt said.

"Dad!" Olivia yelled as she ran into the tent.

Olivia looked out the tent, seeing a green-purple smoke moving rapidly towards them, and Kurt saw it before entering the tent. He zipped up the tent and looked at his frightened daughter, "Livie," he pulled her into a protective hug, "We'll be alright, kid," Kurt said.


The next morning, they left their tent, seeing their campsite completely wrecked with multiple trees knocked down, one landing on Kurt's car, "Woah...what kind of storm was that?" Olivia asked.

"It's a big one," they began walking through the woods, in search of the nearest highway, "The highway should be just over that ridge, and then we'll get a ride to the nearest town," Kurt said.

Olivia stopped near a ridge, looking out over the forest, "Dad?" She said.

"What?" Kurt asked as he turned to him.

"Look," Olivia said as Kurt walked towards her, and they looked at the new town of Storybrooke, both shocked as it wasn't their originally.


Kurt and Olivia walked through Storybrooke, looking around at the new town, "This is impossible. We drove through here yesterday, there was nothing here. It's like someone dropped a town right on top of us," Kurt said.

The two looked up at the clock tower as a Sheriff's Carr pulled up behind them, and Graham stepped out of the car, "You need some help?" they turned to him, "You two look lost," Graham said.

"Who are you? What is this place?" Kurt asked.

"Name's Graham, I'm the Sheriff," he walked towards them and shook Kurt's hand, "Welcome to Storybrooke," Graham said.

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