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August and Athena were sat in the trailer, when they were disturbed by someone knocking on the door. He walked over, thinking it was Nadia and Mary Margaret coming back, "I told you two to leave me alone!" August said and opened the door, shocked to see Theo stood there.

"August, who is it?" Athena asked and walked over, seeing him stood outside.

"Hey," he looked at them, "Long time," Theo said.

Flashback: Hong Kong - 2011

August ran back into the room, where they had met the Dragon with Athena following closely behind him. August panted as he hunched over with his hands on his knees and Athena looked at him, "For someone who spent his entire life running, you should be in better shape," She said.

"Well, I wasn't trapped on an island and had to run from people constantly," she folded her arms and tilted her head, "Sorry," he stood up straight, "I'll be in better shape soon enough," he looked at the Dragon, "If you have what you promised," August said.

"I believe we discussed a price. The money. You have it?" the couple noticed a picture of Theo and an older woman, "The body has a strange way of sending us signals, doesn't it? The tricky part isn't hearing them, but knowing what they truly mean," The Dragon said.

August looked at his girlfriend, "This is your decision, August, not mine," Athena said.

He looked back at the Dragon, "Are you sure this can cure me?" August asked.

"What's in this bottle will stop you from turning to wood, yes, but that's just a symptom. Only you can cure yourself," The Dragon said and the men exchanged the money for the cure, which had already been created.


The couple had left the building and August unwrapped the bottle, looking at it, "This feels wrong," Athena said.

"It will kill me, Thena," August said.

"But it wasn't your money," she shook her head, "It's meant for-," Athena began to say.

"Stop!" they looked across the street, seeing Theo, "That's mine!" He called out, pointing at them.

"I'm so sorry," Athena said, sorrowfully, before August grabbed her hand and they took off running.

"Hey! Somebody stop them!" Theo yelled as he took off after them.

"Out of the way! Ah! Ah!" August shouted as he fell over with a groan, holding his knee.

"August?!" Athena said, worriedly as she rushed to him.

Theo caught up to them and grabbed the vial, "No!" August said.

"August, stop! He's got it, it's over," Athena said.

"Whatever it is you have, you deserve your fate," Theo said and walked away from them, leaving the couple alone.

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