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Belle was cleaning up the mess of books at the library, where amongst the pile she found a knotted piece of rope. Curiously, she found a book titled A Nautical Guide and she began to flip through it. As she flipped through the book, she fount a page on ship knots and discovered the knot she had found was known as The Monkey's Fist.

"Hook came here on his ship," Belle said.


Meanwhile, Mr Smee was carrying a bag as he headed down Main Street. As he reached a parking lot, he was confronted by Mr Gold, who was faced away from him, but lifted his hand, magically pinning the first mate to the wall.

"Leaving town, Mr. Smee?" he turned to him, placing him under a chokehold, "I spared your life, and this is how you repay me? That object you stole from me...I want it back," Mr Gold said.

"I gave it to Hook," Mr Smee said as he struggled to breathe.

"And where is he?" Mr Gold asked.

"I don't know. We...We met on a rooftop. He didn't tell me anything," Mr Smee said.

"And why would he? Hook knows exactly what you are, Mr Smee, a sniveling rat," Mr Gold flicked his wrist and in a cloud of black smoke, Mr Smee was magically gone, leaving nothing but his red beanie.

"And why would he? Hook knows exactly what you are, Mr Smee, a sniveling rat," Mr Gold flicked his wrist and in a cloud of black smoke, Mr Smee was magically gone, leaving nothing but his red beanie

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Mr Gold moved the red beanie with his cane, seeing Mr Smee now as a rat, "Now, scurry off," He said.


Elsewhere, Belle made her way down to the docks in search of the Jolly Roger, only to find the docks deserted.

"Where is it?" She asked herself as she walked along the pier.

She heard the sound of seagulls and looked up to see several perched on a seemingly invisible object. She grabbed a handful of feed from a nearby container and threw it at the base of the ship, revealing a stairway leading onto the ship.

"Found you," Belle said.

Belle carefully walked up the stairs, until she crossed the invisible barrier, now allowing her to see the ship clearly.

"Hello?!" Archie called out from below deck.

Belle walked below deck and looked around, "Uh...hello?" Belle said.

"Down here!" Archie said.

Belle opened the grate, finding both Athena and Archie tied up inside, "Belle! Oh, thank God," Athena said in relief.

"Archie, Athena! You're...You're okay," Belle said in relief.

"Yes, we...we are. Can...Can you, uh..." Archie said as he looked at his tied hands.

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