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New York...

The group was headed back to Alana's apartment, Henry, Emma and Mr Gold were walking together while, "So, should I call you grandpa, now?" Henry asked him.

"Call me whatever you'd like," Mr Gold said.

Elias and Alana trailed behind them, "He's a good kid," Alana said.

"Yep," Elias said.

"Hey," she took hold of his arm, and they stopped walking, "I'm trying my best here," Alana said.

"I know, we all are. It's just, we're gonna have to go back to our home," Elias said.

"I'm just getting to know him," Alana said.

"Well, then, maybe...maybe you should come with us," Elias said.

"To Storybrooke?" Alana questioned.

"I've seen your apartment. You don't got a lot going on here," Elias said.

"Looks can be deceiving," Alana said.

"Mhm, yeah...definitely," Elias said.

"Listen," she shoved her hands in her back pockets, "There's something I've been meaning to tell you," Alana said.

"More surprises?" Elias questioned.

"It's complicated," Alana said.

"That seems to be my life right now," Elias commented.

Henry walked up to them, "So, Alana, do you think we can take the subway?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure. Of course. Let's go get that camera," Alana said.

They all arrived back at the apartment building and entered the lobby, "Come on," Henry said.

"Here, I got it," Alana unlocked the door and headed into the building with Henry, while the twins and Mr Gold stayed behind, "So after this, maybe Times Square?" Alana suggested as they walked up the stairs.

Mr Gold looked at Elias, "So, uh, did you talk to her?" He asked.

"She said it's complicated," Elias said.

"Oh, I see," Mr Gold said.

"I see that remained the same after all these years," Emma said.

"Well, maybe she just needs some time," Elias shrugged, "I don't know," He said.

Suddenly, Captain Hook ambushed them in the lobby and shoved Elias harshly into the metal gate, before slapping Emma to the ground. He lunged towards Mr Gold, pinning him against the metal gate and stabbed him in the chest with his hook.

"Tick-tock. Time's up, Crocodile. You took Milah, my love, my happiness. And for that, I now take your life," Captain Hook said.

Emma regained his sense, grabbed a fire extinguisher and hit the pirate of the head, knocking him unconscious. She put the extinguisher down and checked on Mr Gold, who was now slumped on the ground, "Gold, are you alright?" Emma asked.

Alana heard the commotion and rushed into the lobby, "What the hell is going on?" She asked.

"One of your dad's enemies found us," Emma said as she stood up.

Alana saw the pirate on the ground, "Hook?" She said.

"You know him?" Emma asked and saw Elias sitting up, "Elias..." She said as she moved towards him.

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