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The Jolly Roger was anchored at the docks of Storybrooke where Captain Hook saw that the coast was clear, before jumping off the ship and proceeding to help Cora off.

"Well, my dear Cora, this is where we should part ways. Thanks you for everything. It's time for me to skin my crocodile," Captain Hook said and turned to leave.

Cora disappeared in smoke and reappeared in front of him, stopping him in his tracks, "You might want to rethink this," Cora said.

"We had a deal. Get out of my way," Captain Hook said.

"Believe it or not, I'm doing you a favor," Cora said.

"By preventing my vengeance?" Captain Hook questioned.

"Ask yourself how I'm doing that," Cora said.

"By using your dark magic," Captain Hook said.

"Exactly. Magic is here, and that makes matters a bit more complicated. If you go off half-cocked after an empowered Rumplestiltskin, do you know what'll happen?" the pirate captain looked away with a troubled look on his face, "So you do. Good," Cora said.

A fishermen spotted the two on the docks and approached them, "Hey. You folks need anything?" Cora turned to him, "Tackle shop don't open until morning, but if you want to go out and try and snare some of New England's finest pescatarian creatures, I'd be happy to open early for ya," The fisherman said.

"No, thank you. We're fine," Captain Hook said.

The fisherman noticed the Jolly Roger, "It's a fine vessel you got there. When'd you get in?" The fisherman asked.

"What vessel?" Cora asked.

"Why, that one right..." Cora waved her hand, making the ship magically disappear, "Hey, that's a neat trick," he turned to her, "You some kind of magician back in our land?" He asked her.

Annoyed, Cora waved her hand again, transforming the fisherman into a fish that landed on the deck, and flopped around.

Captain Hook approached it, kicking it into the water and looked back at Cora, "What did you do with my ship?" He asked.

"I hid it from prying eyes. For what we both want to do, we need the element of surprise. Now you ready to listen to me?" Cora said.

"Go on, Your Majesty. What now?" Captain Hook asked.

"Let's go have a little look at this Storybrooke, shall we?" Cora suggested.


The next day, David and Mary Margaret were in bed kissing, making up for lost time, "What are you thinking?" David asked.

"Oh, that it's good to be back," Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah?" he smiled, "And what are you really thinking?" David asked.

Mary Margaret looked at him, "Twenty-eight years is too long to wait between..." She said as they leaned in.

Suddenly, Elias, Emma and Henry entered the loft, carrying grocery bags with them and Mary Margret and David pulled away instantly, covering themselves with the blanket.

"Hey, guess what? Taco shells were on sale," Henry said.

"Apparently, tacos? Not a big item in the Enchanted..." Emma began to say but stopped when they all saw them in bed and Henry looked at them confused, but the twins looked horrified.

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