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Elias, Emma and Alana were walking along the beach, searching for Theo or any trace of Regina, "How's your head feeling?" Emma asked him.

"Hurts like hell," Elias said.

"What's wrong with your head?" Alana asked.

"Nothing," Elias said.

"So, uh, where do you think he's hiding Regina, in a sandcastle?" Alana asked, jokingly.

"They have to be somewhere," Elias said.

"Elias, you're letting your emotions getting in the way of your judgement," Alana said.

Elias turned to her and they all stopped walking, "Do you really think this is all about me trying to break up you and Theo?" Elias asked and shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Alana asked.

"What do want to hear, Lana? Or, even better, what exactly do you want me to say?" Elias asked.

"I'm not gonna stand here," Emma said and walked ahead.

"You want me to say that it killed me that you never came looking for me even once when I was locked up?" Elias asked.

"Li..." Alana said.

"That it didn't hurt that you found Tallahassee with someone else?" Elias questioned

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"That it didn't hurt that you found Tallahassee with someone else?" Elias questioned.

"Lana?!" They turned to see Theo jogging up to them.

"Hey!" Alana said.

"Hey," he looked at her, "What are you doing down here?" Theo asked.

"We were, we're just..." Alana gestured between herself and Elias, then pointed to Theo, "I thought you go running in the woods?" Alana said.

"Yeah, I start in the woods, but then I run along the beach," he looked between them, "Is everything alright?" Theo asked.

"Regina's missing," Elias said.

"Oh my god. That's terrible and after Athena's body went missing," Theo said.

"Thought maybe she was down here, Athena used to come down here...thought there could be clues, but, uh...I was wrong," Elias said as Emma walked up.

"Nothing," Emma looked at Theo, "Oh, hi Theo," She said.

"Hi, Emma," he looked at Elias, "Well, I'm sure she'll turn up somewhere. Let me know if I can help at all," Elias forced a small smile as Theo looked at Alana, "See you later," Theo said and kissed her cheek, before she continued running.

Alana looked at Elias, who was looking away, "Li..." She said.

"I think we should go," Elias said as he looked at Emma.

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