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New York...

Elias was sat in a bar, staring into his drink, when Alana entered and walked over to him, sitting on the barstool next to him.

"You gonna drink that or just stare it down?" he didn't answer and she sighed, "Li, you can't avoid me," Alana said.

"No, but I can try," he sipped his drink, "How'd you find me?" Elias asked.

"Whether you think so or not, I know you. After all these years, you still run to a bar when your upset," Alana said.

"I'm not upset," she gave him a look, "I'm pissed," Elias said.

"I'm not upset," she gave him a look, "I'm pissed," Elias said

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"Li, I'm sorry about-," Alana began to say.

"Not at you, surprisingly," he interrupted, "At your father," Elias said.

"Oh...well, he tends to have that effect on people," Alana said.

"Is Henry okay?" Elias asked.

"Yeah, probably trying to talk to his grandfather. Where's Emma?" Alana said.

"On the phone with our...hmm..." he pointed to Emma, who was stood on the other side of the bar, "Dad..." Elias said.

"You found them?" she shook her head, "Of course, you found them. You broke the...never mind...who are they?" Alana asked.

Elias sipped his drink, "Snow White and Prince Charming," He told her.

"Seriously?" She questioned.

"Mhm," he nodded, "Shocker, right?" Elias said.

"No, not really. You have that charming affect," Alana said.

Emma walked up to them, looking at her brother, "Hey, did you know that it's Mary Margaret's birthday?" She asked.

Elias looked at her, "Uh, no...and she just...let us go?" He questioned.

"Yeah, first birthday with us all together, and we're here..." she glanced at Alana for a moment, "In New York," Emma said and Alana shifted in her seat awkwardly.

"She must have a reason," Elias said with a shrug.

"Come on, let's go," Emma said and he stood up, walking to the door with together.

Alana watched them walk to the door, when the bartender placed a bill on the counter in front of her, "Your bill, ma'am," She said.

Alana looked at her, "Oh, I didn't..." she looked back at Elias, who turned to her with a small smile and winked, before walking out with Emma, "Alright," Alana said with a chuckle, and took the bill off the counter, smiling in amusement.

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