- Nightmare -
I pour all my love into you,
but you can't even wish me a simple goodnight
when I fall asleep.Please, just tell me...
what can I do to make things right?You're not treating me the same,
and it hurts more than I can say.
I try to express this,
but it always comes out wrong.You ask me why I'm upset,
but when I tell you,
you get angry,
giving excuses,
and turning it into a fight.I'm not asking for an argument,
or for you to fix anything.
I'm just sharing what's on my mind,
like you asked me to.Maybe I should lower my expectations.
Maybe I'm just too sensitive.
Maybe I should disappear for good.
I want to.Maybe this is all just a long nightmare,
and I hope I wake up soon,
reunited with you,
back in your arms.Mommanot_
PoetryIt's like I've opened a bottle of nonsense, and now everything's spilling out. I don't know how to explain it, how to make sense of it all. Nothing fits, nothing connects. It's just a mess, and I don't know where to start or how to make you understa...