- Empty sorrys wear thin, love. -
You have said it so many times, but have you ever really meant it? I do not think you have, because if you did, things would be different. People can only hear "sorry" so many times before it loses its meaning. They start to wonder if you are truly sorry or if it is just a word you throw out to make things feel better. But eventually, they grow tired of it. They grow tired of hearing the same empty words over and over, and one day, they will not believe it anymore. They won't believe in the apology, because it's just words without action to back them up.
Each time you say sorry, it is like a little piece of trust gets pulled away. That trust that was once strong and whole starts to unravel. And that is because sorry is not enough. You cannot just say it and expect everything to be okay. You cannot fix something by just repeating the same thing without showing that you have changed. Words can only do so much. It is the actions that speak louder. They show the truth, the sincerity, the real effort behind those words.
So stop saying sorry. For your own good. Because one day, people will stop believing you. They will stop waiting for the change that never comes. It is not about what you say anymore. It is about what you do. Let them see your change, let them feel it in the way you act, in the way you treat them. Let them see that you have truly learned from your mistakes. Do not just talk about it. Show it. Because words can only take you so far. Eventually, you will need to walk the walk.
PoetryIt's like I've opened a bottle of nonsense, and now everything's spilling out. I don't know how to explain it, how to make sense of it all. Nothing fits, nothing connects. It's just a mess, and I don't know where to start or how to make you understa...