- Sad -
You know that feeling when you are sad, but you can not even begin to explain why? It is like there is this weight on your chest, pressing down on you, making it hard to breathe, but when you try to talk about it, there is nothing to say. No reason. No explanation. It just... is. And that is the hardest part. It is like being stuck in the middle of a storm without the rain, or waking up feeling like you have already lost something, but you have no idea what. It is the kind of sadness that is not loud. It does not scream or demand attention. It is quiet. Almost sneaky. But it is there, always there, lurking in the background, never fully going away.
I wish I could put it into words, you know? I wish I could point to something, anything, and say, "This is the reason I feel like this." But I can not. There is no cause. There is no trigger. It is like a dull ache that settles into your bones, so deep inside you that it feels like part of who you are. And the worst part? No one else can see it. I can smile, I can laugh, I can go about my day like everything is fine, but inside, there's this hole. This emptiness. This sadness that is hard to shake off.
I wish I could make it go away. I wish I could just wake up one day and feel normal again, but that is not how it works, is it? Sometimes, sadness is not something you can fix. It does not have a cure, and it does not have a timeline. It is just there, and you have to live with it. You have to carry it, even if you do not know how to explain it. And honestly, that is the most exhausting part. It is not knowing how to make it stop, not knowing what is wrong with you, yet still feeling like something is missing. Something is broken, and you can not put your finger on it.
So yeah, I am sad. And no, I do not know why. I can not ask for help when I do not know what to ask for. I can not seek answers when the question does not even exist.

PoetryIt's like I've opened a bottle of nonsense, and now everything's spilling out. I don't know how to explain it, how to make sense of it all. Nothing fits, nothing connects. It's just a mess, and I don't know where to start or how to make you understa...