- Fragile -
I do not think you understand how fragile I really am. Maybe I have never been able to show you, or maybe you just do not care enough to notice, but it hurts. It hurts more than I can put into words. Every time you speak to me, every word you say, I feel it deep inside, like a sharp sting that cuts through me. I wish you could see how easily words can wound me, how they can leave bruises on my soul that do not show on the outside. You have no idea what you're doing when you speak without thinking, when your words come out sharp and cold.
They go deeper than you think.
I have tried to hide it, tried to pretend I am stronger than I am. But the truth is, I am so delicate. It does not take much to break me, to make me question everything, to make me doubt myself. I am like glass, fragile and easily shattered, but no one ever sees the cracks that form behind my smile. No one ever looks close enough to see that I am not okay, that I am carrying so much weight on my shoulders, weight that no one else knows about. I wish you could see the hurt that I hide. I wish you could understand that when you are harsh, when you are dismissive, it feels like you are breaking a part of me. It is not just words to me. They stay with me, linger in my mind, and haunt me long after you have stopped speaking.
What I need from you is care. What I need is kindness, understanding, gentleness. I need you to be aware of how easily you can hurt me, and how deeply those words affect me. It is not just about being nice, it is about being aware of the power you hold. You have the ability to either build me up or tear me down with just a few sentences. And right now, I am begging you to build me up. I need that strength from you, the strength that comes from compassion and love. Because without that, I am lost. I am fragile, and every day feels like I am walking on a tightrope, just waiting for the next harsh word to send me crashing down.
I wish you could see me for who I really am, not just the surface version of me that hides behind walls and smiles. I wish you could see the cracks and the scars and understand that I do not need to be fixed, I just need to be cared for. I need to be held, gently, as if I might break if you are too rough. I need you to know that with your care, with your love, I could find the strength to heal. I could become whole again, but only if you treat me with the tenderness I deserve. So, please, be careful with your words. Be gentle with me. I am fragile, but if you take care of me, I can become something stronger, something more than just the shattered pieces you see right now.

PoetryIt's like I've opened a bottle of nonsense, and now everything's spilling out. I don't know how to explain it, how to make sense of it all. Nothing fits, nothing connects. It's just a mess, and I don't know where to start or how to make you understa...