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You have left scars, things that I can never fully undo. And I know, deep down, that you do not care. You never did. That is the hardest part of all this. I gave you everything, all the love I had, and now I am left with nothing. The love I gave you is something I will never be able to give to anyone else. Not like that. Not with the same intensity. I cannot love anyone the way I loved you, because that kind of love was a part of me, and now it is broken.

It hurts to say this out loud, but I know it is true. And even though it hurts, I also know that I have reached the point where I am ready to move on. I have learned, in the slowest and most painful way, to let go. It is not easy. It feels impossible some days. But I am trying. I am trying to move forward, because I deserve more than what you gave me. Empty promises, false hope. I deserve someone who will show up, someone who won't make me feel like I'm just another option in their life.

And through all this, there is still a part of me that holds space for you. That part is still waiting, quietly, hoping you'll come back. Hoping you will find the courage to love me like you once did. If that ever happens, I will be here. I will welcome you back with open arms. But even as I say that, I know it is not the best thing for me. I know I have to love myself first, even if it is the hardest thing I've ever done.

But as much as I still care about you, I pray that you never put anyone through what you put me through. I pray that you do not hurt someone the way you hurt me, because no one deserves that. And I pray that, somewhere along the way, you learn what it really means to love, and to treat someone with the respect they deserve. Because no matter what, I am done being the one to suffer. It is time for me to heal, even if that means leaving you behind.


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