Chapter 1

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Red stared up at the ceiling, not having the energy to get up. It's been 4 years, why can't he just get over it and move on? Red looked over at the old clock on the wall. 6:43 did I sleep at all last night? Red sighed and pushed himself up off the floor, which he immediately regretted as soon as his head started pounding again. Tomorrow is friday he told himself only one more day to go. Red slowly walked to the kitchen and put some toast in the toaster and then grabbed an orange bottle from off the counter and took two pills to get him through the day, or at least until he got off of work. Red quickly made his way up to the bathroom where he took a quick shower and brushed his teeth. Red hated the sight of his teeth, they were sharp and scary, he hated the sight of himself in general. It's not like he's ugly, but he certainly isn't attractive. He had a crack in his skull over his left eye that left him blind in that eye, he was definitely above average weight for his size, and he didn't really think he looked all that friendly. As he was heading back to the kitchen he heard the pop of the toaster that signified that his breakfast was finished. Red was met with disappointment as he put two extremely burnt pieces of toast on a paper plate. Red looked at his sad meal and decided he would get something to eat during lunch break. Red put on his work clothes and put on his hoodie and left. Red lived in a mostly monster neighborhood, but there was still a few humans that gave him and other monsters dirty looks. Red looked at the time on his phone; 7:09, he still has plenty of time to get to work. Red pulled out his headphones from his hoodie pocket and put his playlist on shuffle, the first song to play was "irony" (vocaloid) English Cover by Lizz Robinett.

Red used to like to sing, he used to go to karaoke night every friday with his friends. They aren't his friends anymore. It was actually somewhat nice out today, summer was in the air after a cold rainy spring, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and on days like these the feeling of ache in his soul wasn't so bad, or maybe it was just his meds starting to work. Red could see his place of work up ahead, he was lucky he was so close to his work where he could walk to it, he really hated driving. As soon as Red entered the building and took off his headphones, his co-worker Alphys greeted him. "G-good morning Red!" Alphys said cheerfully. "Good morning Al." Red said with a fake smile. Red took off his hoodie and handed it to Alphys, she quickly ran off to the break room to put away his hoodie. If she knew what really happened that night she wouldn't be so sympathetic. Everyone knows that Red's best friend died. They say it was an accident, but they weren't there. Only Red knows. Only Red knows and that's how it's going to stay. Everyone thinks they know what happened, but they don't, they don't know anything. If Red told anyone what really happened they would hate him. Red made his way to his personal office and plopped down on his swivel chair, letting out a big sigh as he did. Only one more day he reminded himself, only one more day. What was he supposed to be doing? Oh, yeah. Researching one's soul code. Soul code is hard to research without a subject, but he would have to make due. Red turned on his laptop and opened Google docs. Red stared at the blinking curser, lost in his own thoughts again. He used to really like his job, but that was before he died, now Red dreads going to work. It's so lonely here. Red is so alone. So damn alone. "Fuck" Red let out a low groan. He has to at least get something done. Red decided to observe his own soul. He doesn't look at it very often, really only to check his stats. His soul was weird and a glitchy mess with a hole in the center. He doesn't know how exactly it got that way, but it probably has something to do with his father. The thought of his father made him shudder. His father abused Red and his brother for years until he went missing when Red was 16. Red and his brother were both questioned, but nothing ever came out of it. The case is still open because no body was ever found. Red didn't know were to start in terms of researching his own soul, so he started jotting down small details.
·White in color like an average monster's soul
·Has strange glitches of unknown origin
·About a tennis ball sized hole in the centre (only causes pain once in a while)
·A bit larger than average
· Doesn't seem to hinder my magic in any way
· Stats are unstable most of the time, but it doesn't seem like I could dust at any moment.
Red sighed that's all he could think of. Maybe he's starting to feel some burnout.
Before Red left, he went to the break room to grab his hoodie. Red was the last one is the building so he had to make sure that everything was locked up. He actually kinda liked having to lock up everything. It was quiet, but not too quiet that he was suffocated by his own thoughts. Red slipped on his hoodie and left, making sure to lock the door on his way out. After Red was a few bounds away from the lab, he put on his headphones and put his playlist on shuffle. Before he could press play on his music he heard a lot of yelling from across the street. Red took off his headphones and looked over to see what was happening. Some humans got into a fight, it will probably turn violent soon once they get bored of yelling at each other. It probably wouldn't make it to the news since no monsters were involved. Red stared for a moment, wondering if he should try to find out why they were fighting, but he decided to leave before it does make it to the news.
As soon as Red got home he put on his sleep wear and face-planted into bed. Red let out a loud groan and moved to be laying on his back. Red touched the small scar on his neck and all the memories of that day rushed back to him. I couldn't save him. There was too much blood. God damnit! Why couldn't I save him!? Red gasped and sat up. He moved his hand away from his neck, he was shaking so damn much he could almost hear his bones rattling. Red tried to steady his breathing but it wasn't working. Red stood up and grabbed his pills. He took a bit more than he was supposed to, but it surely couldn't do much harm. Red slowly sat back down on his bed. He would feel better in a few minutes. Red looked at his shaking hands and sighed. He really hated it. He really did. Red closed his eyes and focused on his breathing, he started to calm down after a few minutes. Red stood up and walked downstairs to the kitchen. Red opened the fridge and grabbed an apple. Red sat on the kitchen floor, having no motivation to go back to his room, and he ate his apple. It was pretty rare for Red to eat anything healthy, but he just kinda felt like it today. Maybe it's a sign that tomorrow will be better.

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