Chapter 17

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Red watched as the rain slowed. The storm would be over soon. He was glad that the thunder and lightning had passed, rain was more calming by itself. Although the rain was calming, he felt anxiety rise in his chest. No. It wasn't anxiety. It was an urge. A pull. A pull to do something he had to do. Red knew that Fatal would never leave him alone. He knew that Fatal would be waiting, watching, wherever he went. He can't hide forever. He needed to feel safe. He needed to be free from the fear. He needed to get rid of Fatal. He needed to avenge his friend. But part of him was terrified. All of the pain and suffering he had gone through at the hands of that maniac. He can't be crazy enough to purposely go near him. His mind was at conflict. Two storms battling against each other. It hurt his brain and gave him a headache. He wished the answer would just come to him, he wished he could just know what to do. Like a hero in a comic book, always knowing what was right and what was wrong. A hero could save the day without a second thought, never thinking about who they were really saving. If Red was put in that position, he wouldn't know who to save. What if he saved someone who turned out to be an awful person? What if he punished the wrong person? It was a matter of perspective. An equation he couldn't solve. A moral issue where there was more than one answer. Red sighed. If he wanted to hurt Fatal, he would have to run it by Dust first. To see if it was the right decision. He was a monster. Anything he did would make humans view monsters that way. Especially if it was a monster on monster crime. They could use it as an excuse to ignore the patterns. The patterns of human on monster violence. Much more common than monster on monster violence. But all you see on the news is the few monsters that did bad things. It's all the humans talk about. The bad beast monsters who will attack and steal for no reason. Humans don't seem to try to look from other's perspective. They don't care what other's had been through. Humans think punish rather than help. Some monsters really just need some help to push them down the right path. Same for some humans too. Red sighed and stepped off the couch. "Is everything okay?" Dust asked. "Ye-" Red stopped himself. He shouldn't lie. Not to Dust. "No." Red said. "What's wrong?" Dust asked. "I'm having clashing storms in my head." Red said. "Why?" Dust asked. Red sighed. "I really want to hurt Fatal, but part of me doesn't think it's a good idea. I don't know what to do. I'm stuck." Red explained. "I understand that. When you hate someone it's hard not to think of hurting them. I wouldn't recommend going out and looking for him, but it's really up to you. If I was you, I'd kill that bastard. But I'm not you. If you really want to hurt him, go ahead, but if you decide not to, no one's going to judge you for that." Dust said. Red sighed. "I thought you would tell me what to do. Not tell me that it's up to me." Red sighed. Dust sighed and sat down. Red sat down on the floor and Ashes jumped onto his lap. Red started stroking his fur. "I never asked, but what's his necklace all about?" Red asked. Dust sighed. "Someone I once knew gave that to me." Dust said. Red gently put Ashes on the floor and hopped onto the couch. Red pinned Dust to the couch seat and a smile spread across Dust's face. Red put his hand underneath Dust's hoodie and undershirt. He used his other hand to lower Dust's pants. Slowly Red undressed Dust and then himself. Red dragged his finger down Dust's spine and breathed warmly on the back of his neck. Red was always the one in control. He made the rules. Red softly sunk his teeth into Dust's arm. Red could see Dust's face. He was getting pleasure. They both were. Red ravaged every part of Dust with the hunger of a starving lion. Red could tell that Dust was enjoying every second of it. Red gently placed his lips on Dust's pelvic bone and breathed slowly. Red's tongue slowly moved from the bottom all the way up to Dust's neck before he stopped. His teeth sank into Dust's neck and his nails dug into Dust's ribs. Soon biting turned to kissing. His tongue making its way to the back of Dust's throat. Dust let out a small moan as Red's tongue went further in.

Red cradled Dust in his arms. Dust was exhausted. He always was afterwards. Red gently kissed Dust on the forehead before setting him down on the couch. Red covered Dust with a blanket and put his own clothes back on. Red sighed. That was possibly the last time they would ever be that close again. Red had made up his mind. He was going to find and try to kill Fatal. He would most likely die, but he had to try. He had to prove to himself that Fatal had no power over him. I'm sorry Dust. I've made my decision. This does not mean I don't love you, because I love you with all my heart. We will meet again one day. I love you.

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