Chapter 20

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Dust stood outside the club, rain running down his back. He had just left Red to die. Just like how he let Grillby die. Shit. He was an awful monster. He was a beast monster. He was definitely going to hell. Dust slumped to the ground and screamed. He just screamed. He stopped only when he physically couldn't scream anymore. He breathed hard. Tears fell from his eyes. His whole world was ending. Suddenly a car drove by. It was a delivery car. A pizza delivery car. "Hey! Hey! Stop!" Dust called after it. The car screeched to a halt and out stepped Hund. "Dust bro? What's ya doin out here?" Hund asked. "I have 20 bucks in my pocket. I need you to do me a huge favor." Dust said. "Yeah sure bro. What'sya need?" Hund asked. "I need you to go in the basement of this place and be a distraction." Dust said. "For what?" Hund asked. "I can't explain exactly. It's really important though." Dust said. "How important?" Hund raised and eyebrow. "Life or death." Dust said in a serious voice. "All ight! I'll go be a distraction." Hund said before entering the club. "Still not gay though." He added before disappearing in the building. Now Dust needed to think of a plan, and fast. Dust grabbed the axe from off his back just as Hund came running out of the building. "What happened to being a distraction?" Dust asked. "That guy's totally crazy! Like maniac crazy! I'm not going back down there!" Hund said before hopping in the car and driving off. Dust sighed. Okay. I'm just gonna go in there and slice that fucker in half. Dust went back inside the club and walked down the basement stairs. He saw that a door a bit further down was cracked open the slightest. Dust looked into the room and almost gasped in horror. Fatal was on top of Red. Red wasn't even struggling. He was just limp. Anger burned in Dust's soul. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Dust yelled and ran into the room. Fatal stood up, pulling up his pants as he did. Dust kicked Fatal in his chest and pinned him against the wall with his axe. "You don't fucking touch him." Dust growled. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Dust threatened. Suddenly Dust was thrown across the room. "What's a magicless monster like you gonna do to me?" Fatal asked. "Just you wait and see." Dust said standing up. "I don't even know why you're here. He's already dead." Fatal said. Dust's blood ran cold. No. No. No. Dust could still save him. Dust focused on his blade. He moved his feet into the correct stance. Then he ran at him. He felt bones fly past him, but he kept running. He swerved the the left right before his axe touched Fatal's face. Dust pivoted his foot to the right and jumped. His axe came swinging down, but Fatal turned and leaped back before his blade could hit. Dust let out a frustrated grunt. "Let's not fight." Fatal said. Dust narrowed his eyes. "Red can't say no, y'know. You can do whatever you want to him. We can share if you'd like." Fatal offered. "You're fucking disgusting." Dust hissed. "Really? He's not even alive. Morals don't count when it comes to dead people." Fatal shrugged. Dust growled. "Welp. If you don't want to have your way with him, I'll just continue having my way with him without you." Fatal shrugged. Dust leaped at Fatal and pushed him to the ground. There was slight fear in Fatal's eyes before Dust just started swinging. Over and over and over again. His axe hit Fatal's now dusting body more times than he could count. Disgusting pig. Awful. Awful. Die. Just fucking die. I hate you. I hate you. Burn in fucking hell you piece of shit beast monster. Dust stopped after Fatal had completely dusted. Dust stood and caught his breathe before running over to Red. It can't be too late! It can't be! Please be alive! Please! Dust sat down next to Red. Dust put a hand on Red's head. He was cold. Dust felt sick. He was too late. "Red. Get up. Please." Dust whispered. Red's eyes opened halfway. "Red. Look at me. Please." Dust whispered. Red's eyelights darted in Dust's direction. Red's eyes opened a bit more before closing again. Dust grabbed Red's hand and held it tight. Red's hand held for a moment before being limp again. Dust got up and grabbed Red's clothes. He carefully put them back on him. "Dust?" Red whispered, his eyes still closed. "I'm here." Dust whispered back. Tears fell from Red's eyes and he started sobbing. "You're going to be okay. Fatal's gone. He can't hurt us anymore." Dust told him. "I wanna go home." Red whimpered. "I know." Dust breathed. Dust held Red in his arms. Faggot whispered in the back of his mind, but he pushed it away. He needed to focus on Red. Red's breathing started to slow and he went still. Tears raced down Dust's face. He hugged Red as tight as he could. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want to lose him. "Please don't leave me." Dust begged. Red was cold. Too cold. Too cold and too lifeless. Red's chest still injured. Now that wound would never heal. "Red..." Dust whispered. Red's eyes opened once more. Red smiled at Dust. The same smile he gave Dust when they first met. "I'm so glad I got to meet you." Red said before his smile faded and his eyes closed for the last time.

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