Chapter 3

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When Red left his home he noticed that there was police tape and some police cars surrounding a house. Red shrugged, this shit happens too often to be surprising. Red decided not to listen to music on the way to work today. As he was walking he started unknowingly counting the lines in the sidewalk. Red was at about 27 lines before he almost bumped into someone. "Oh excuse me." Red said politely. He almost bumped into a human, that could have ended horribly. Red shuddered but continued on his way. When Red got to work Alphys greeted him like usual. "Good m-morning Red. Do you h-have any plans for the weekend?" Alphys asked. "Good morning Alphys, and no I don't have any plans." He told her. "You've been single for a while, s-so I was t-thinking that maybe you could go to the n-new monsters only gay club/bar later t-tonight." Alphys said. "M-me and Undyne were going to go, but something came up and we are going next weekend." Alphys explaind. "Well, that's does sound quite fun." Red said. Alphys seemed happy at my answer. She probably was hoping I would do something to get off of him. Red made up his mind right then and there, he would go and he would have fun.
Red decided that he wouldn't wear anything too fancy, he just wore his normal clothes. Red looked up directions on how to get there in his phone and he set off. Red could see it from a mile away, it was very bright and very new. Red showed his ID to the bouncer and walked in. It was a bit loud, which he didn't mind too much. Red liked the fact that it was a monsters only club/bar, he felt safe here. Red ordered a drink and sat down next to another skeleton monster. "Hey." Red greeted. It's not everyday you stumble across a fellow skeleton monster. "O-oh hi." The other skeleton said. Red thought he looked interesting. He was small and was missing like half his face! Red wondered what happened, but figured that it would be rude to ask. "My name is Red." Red introduced himself. "I'm Dust." The other skeleton said quietly. "That's an interesting name, I like it!" Red smiled at Dust. Dust looked like he didn't want to be here, Red hoped he wasn't making him uncomfortable. Red took a sip of his drink. "It's a bit loud in here, isn't it?" Red asked, trying to make conversation. "Um yeah. I don't really like it, but what else did I expect." Dust said. "You don't seem like the type that gets out much." Red pointed out. "You don't seem like the type that ever stops talking." Dust replied. Red laughed. "Ya got a point there!" Red said, actually enjoying his night so far. "Hey, if I'm making you uncomfortable you can tell me and I'll leave." Red said. "Oh no. You're fine. It's just my first time out in a real long time. You can stay, I don't mind." Dust said. Red and Dust both sat in silence until Red finished his drink. "If it's okay with you, I would like to buy you a drink or two." Red offered. Dust smiled a little. "Um sure, I wouldn't mind that." Dust blushed slightly. Red knew he probably wouldn't see Dust again after tonight, but he still wanted to make sure that Dust was enjoying his time out. Red ordered a couple fruity drinks and walked back to Dust. "When you said 'a drink or two' I didn't think you meant five." Dust said, looking at the tray of drinks that Red was carrying. Red laughed and placed that tray infront of Dust and sat down. Dust took a sip of a pink colored one and Red took the blue one. "Damn at this point I wouldn't care if you spiked these, this shit tastes good." Dust said cheerfully. "Oh don't worry, I didn't spike the drinks. I've had that happen to me once, good thing I was with some others I knew at the time." Red said. He really didn't want Dust to think that he spiked the drinks.
After a couple rounds of drinks Red noticed that it was close to midnight. "I should probably get going soon." Red said. "So soon?" Dust asked. "Yeah, sorry." Red apologized. "You could come home with me." Dust said, immediately looking embarrassed. Red thought about it for a moment and decided. why not. A one night stand wouldn't be so bad.
Dust lived in an apartment building and his room was pretty small compared to Red's house. Dust's bed was neatly made, he was obviously expecting to bring someone home tonight. Red was laying in Dust's bed for a bit, it wasn't the most comfortable, but it wasn't the worst. Red rolled onto his side and pulled Dust onto the bed. Red wasn't sure exactly how it happened, but soon cuddling turned to kissing and kissing turned to their clothes being thrown on the floor. Dust obviously had past experience, Red hoped that he wouldn't notice that this was Red's first time. Dust insisted on bottoming the entire time, Red didn't mind, he enjoyed taking control. Eventually everything slowed to a stop and Dust quickly fell asleep. Red thought that Dust looked cute asleep. He looked peaceful. Before Red could fall asleep he put his clothes back on. Red wasn't comfortable sleeping naked anymore. Not after that night, that worst night if his life. Red carefully climbed back into Dust's bed, hoping to not disturb him. Tonight Red easily fell asleep, but his dreams were still plagued by the memories of what happened that worst night.

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