Chapter 4

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Dust woke up earlier than usual. 6:00. Dust could hardly remember what happened last night and he had a pounding headache. Dust turned over and suddenly remembered, he brought a guy home. What was his name? It was Red, right? Red was sleeping peacefully beside him. Dust remembered really enjoying everything Red did. Dust couldn't believe that he actually did it. Even though he was staring right at him, he still couldn't believe it. Dust was still tired and eventually fell back asleep.
When Dust woke up again Red was gone. Dust was sad that he didn't get to say bye. Dust still remembered how Red smelled like strawberries and how he tasted like cherries. Dust smiled to himself. He wished it wasn't just a one night stand. The pillow that Red used still smelled like him. Dust hated that he got so attached to monsters so fast. He shouldn't have gone out, but he couldn't regret it. He loved the time he spent with Red. Red didn't even seem to care that Dust was missing half his face, maybe that's because Red also had a scar. Maybe he will see him again sometime. Dust sat up and got out of bed. He went over to his small closet and pulled out a shirt and pants to wear. A thought flashed in Dust's mind. What if Red didn't make it home safe? Dust shook that thought away and put on the news. If Red did get hurt the news would tell him. Dust sighed. I can't believe I fell in love with someone I just met. There was a loud crash outside and a lot of yelling. For some reason Dust put on his shoes and ran outside. Someone was yelling at a large grey cat that seemed to have knocked over a trash can. The cat ran right into Dust and that's when he noticed that it wasn't a cat at all! It was a fox! Without thinking Dust picked up the fox and went back to his apartment. As soon as Dust closed the door he realized that he just unintentionally adopted a fox. Is this legal? What do foxes even eat? Are pets allowed? Can I litter train him? Dust looked down at his new pet. What should I name you? Dust though for a while and then a perfect name came to mind. Ashes. Ashes was the perfect name for a grey fox. Ashes yipped and wriggled out of Dust's arms. Dust pulled out his phone and went to Google. "What can you feed a pet fox???"
"The bulk of a fox's diet is made up of meat protein, so the best things to feed your local foxes are cooked or raw meat, or tinned dog food. They are also fond of peanuts, fruit and cheese. Foxes can be fed all year round but should follow a set feeding routine."
Thats sounds easy. All I got to do is find some money and buy some dog food. Owning a fox can't be that hard, right?
Dust entered the store with his hood up, not wanting random ass potential humans to see his fucked up face. Dust went to the pet food section and picked up a large bag of dog food, he dropped it as soon as he tried to walk away. He stared down at his failure and sighed. "Ya need help with that?" A familiar friendly voice asked. Dust turned around. Red. "Um... Yeah... I guess..." Dust said, slightly embarrassed that Red saw him drop a bag of dog food. Red bent down and picked up the bag of dog food and effortlessly flung it over his shoulder. "I didn't think you had a dog. Did you just get one?" Red asked. "Um yeah, just got one this morning." Dust said. Dust didn't want to admit that he had adopted a wild fox instead of a cute puppy. "I would get a dog, but my job takes up most of my time. Do you have a job?" Red asked. "Um no. I just quite my job recently." Dust really didn't want to tell Red that he had been unemployed for almost a year now, getting money by petty theft or mowing lawns. "What is your job?" Dust asked, wanting to keep talking. "Oh I work as a scientist at a nearby lab." Red said happily. "Damn your a scientist. You must be pretty smart." Dust said. "Yeah I guess. Pretty in smarts and looks." Red said, laughing to himself. Dust wanted to ask if Red would be going back to the bar/club again soon, but he didn't want to push his luck.
Red helped Dust carry the bag all the way to Dust's apartment. "I'll carry it the rest if the way up." Dust said when they got the the building. "Are you sure?" Red asked. "I'm sure." Dust assured him before watching Red walk away. Dust wished that he said he still needed help, but with a fox in his apartment he wasn't sure his room would still look as good as it did last night. When Dust got into his room it was a total disaster, Ashes torn up all the pillows and blankets.  Dust let out an angry sigh. Ashes came leaping out from under Dust's bed, holding the golden locket in his mouth. Ashes walked up to Dust and placed the locket at his feet and gave him the puppy-dog eyes. Dust picked up the locket and looked down at Ashes. "Are you tryin'a tell me somthin?" Dust asked before laughing. He didn't know why he was laughing, but something about it was just kinda funny. After years of not touching the locket and avoiding the past, a tiny little foxy boy was what made him touch it and look back. "Geez Ashes, if I believed in reincarnation I'd think you might be Grillby." Dust sighed and put the locket around Ashes neck, it fit perfectly. "I don't think I mind having a roommate so much."

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