Chapter 5

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Red thought that it was a fun coincidence that he saw Dust again at the store the other day. Dust had his hood up so he didn't recognize him right away, but it was super cool that he was there. Red grabbed his pills and took a few to get through the day, he was running low and would have to go to the pharmacy soon. Luckily his job payed well and he would be able to afford a refill. Red felt the horrible feeling of guilt creep up on him, he knew that he wouldn't be able to be able to push it away so he went and locked himself in his room. It started small, with small flashed of that horrible day. Yelling, crying, blood, death. He felt tears start to run down his face and he couldn't stop shaking. As it got worse the flashes got longer and more vivid he could almost hear it and see so clearly it was like he was there all over again. It was all so loud it was all happening again. He reached out his hand to grab for his friend, but it was too late, he couldn't save him. He was pushed face first onto the ground he screamed "NO!" as loud as he could over and over again. Then everything stopped. He was back in his room, back against the door. Red steadied his breathing and touched the small scar on his neck. His medicine kicked in and he started feeling a little better. He wiped his tears and just stared blankly ahead for a while. Flashbacks that intense hasn't happened in a while, something must've triggered it. Red closed his eyes and sighed. I miss him. It should've been me who died. He didn't deserve to die. Red stood up and fluffed the fluff on his hood. Red went back downstairs and looked at the kitchen table. Oh yeah. I was eating a fruit salad. Red looked down at his salad and saw a strawberry. A strawberry. Of course a strawberry. That must've been it. Red picked up the strawberry, trying his best not to look at it, and threw it in the trash. Red still couldn't understand how something so small could do that to him. Red quickly finished his fruit salad and went to the living room and sat in his couch. Red grabbed the TV remote and turned on the news. Apparently a human was suspected of killing that monster family nearby, but charges were dropped due to "lack of evidence". Red thought that was bullshit. If it was a monster that was suspected there wouldn't even be a trial. The horrid "beast monster" would be sentenced to death even if there was a "lack of evidence". Another murder happened in another town nearby, but they weren't connected. And there was two shootings: one at a all inclusive queer bar and the other at a monster only cafe. This shit is all fucked. Hell, they even closed the case on Sci's murder and my rape, which he found surprising since it was a monster that did those crimes. They don't give a single shit about anyone, not even their fellow humans. Red didn't know why he was watching the news, it only ever talked about fucked up shit. Oh yeah, apparently monsters are losing the small amount of rights they managed to get. Red just wanted to scream. Scream about how fucked up everything is. Scream about how unfair it is. Red knows that if he tried to scream, all the humans would look at him and point and say "beast. That one right there is a beast." Red sighed gruffly and turned off the TV. Tomorrow is Monday and Red can't even enjoy the last day of the weekend. Maybe he should get a pet like how Dust did. Wait,why is he thinking about Dust? It was only for one night. There was nothing between them. Red brushed it off as wishful thinking and decided to do some spring cleaning.
Red looked proudly at his empty sink, he felt a bit better now that everything was clean. Red sat down on the kitchen floor and just stared into space, this was one if his favorite activities. Red was sitting right where the sun was shining, it was very warm. Red liked the warmth, he felt less alone when the sun was granting him it's fire. Red closed his eyes and closely listened to every little sound. The faint sound of birds chirping outside, the quite rumbling of the washer machine, the sound of children playing in their yards, and gunshots-wait what!? Red stood up quickly and looked out the window. He couldn't see anyone, but he sure could here the screams and gunfire. Red quickly ran around the house closing all of his windows. He may be suicidal, but he sure as hell won't let someone else end his life. Red ran up to his room and locked the bedroom door. Red ran and hid in the corner of his room. He really wasn't surprised that someone was shooting up this mostly monster neighborhood, after all it was a common occurrence. Red knew that there was a less than likely chance that the shooter would get anywhere close to inside his house, but he was still nervous that they would bust down his door any moment and kill him. Red sat in the room corner, trying to be as quiet as possible. Red thought back to the shooter drills that took place when he was in school, keep the lights off, stay hidden, stay quiet, make sure you know the best possible escape route just incase. Who would've thought that a perfect sunny day like today would have such awful tragedy. Red expected the sound of gunfire to have slowed down by now, or at least hear police sirens, but he didn't, no one was coming to stop the shooter and it doesn't sound like this will stop anytime soon.

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