Chapter 8

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Dust sat down next to Red. "Y'know there's this creepy dude outside the pharmacy asking for ya." Dust said. Dust saw Red's eyelights hide in fear. "Do you know him?" Dust asked, concerned. Red looked away from Dust and closed his eyes. "Yes, I do." Red sighed. "He raped me a few years ago." Red said and closed his eyes, he looked like he was trying not to cry. Dust nearly jumped out of the chair. "Do you want me to beat the shit out of him for you?" Dust asked, ready to through hands. "No need, but it would be nice if you walked me home." Red said and looked at Dust hopefully. Dust felt butterflies in his stomach. "If course I'll walk you home!" Dust said. Red smiled. "Hey, I know we don't really know each other, but I just can't stop thinking about you. I-" Dust was cut off. "Yes. I think it would work out." Red paused. "I wouldn't mind giving it a try." Red ended shyly. Dust felt himself blush. "Sir, you're prescription is ready." The counter monster called to Red. Red stood up and grabbed a white bag from the monster. Dust stood up and walked over to Red. "Let's go now." Dust said. He went to go grab Red's hand, but Red stopped him. "You can hold my arm, but I uh, don't really like the hand holding thing." Red said awkwardly. "Oh that's alright." Dust said and grabbed Red's arm. Red hesitated near the door and looked uneasy. "Don't worry Red. I have a knife. If he tries anything I'll stab his bitch ass." Dust reassured him. When they left, the creepy monster started to walked up to them, but stopped when he saw Dust. Red was tense and Dust could sense an intense amount of fear coming off of Red. The creepy monster walked closer. "Who is this you're with Red?" The creepy monster asked. "That's none of your damn business ya damn perv. I suggest that you leave my boyfriend the fuck alone dibshit." Dust said sternly. "Wow Red I didn't know you were into bad boys. I thought you preferred softies like, oh I don't know, maybe Sci for example?" The creepy monster said, his grin growing wider. Dust stepped infront of Red protectively. "Fuck off." Dust growled. Dust pulled out his pocket knife and flipped it open. "Back the fuck off." Dust took a step towards the creepy monster and Red let out a small gasp. "Be careful." Red whispered. "I'm not afraid of this fucker." Dust said, keeping his gaze fixed on the creepy monster. "I'm not afraid of you either fucked face." The creepy monster said. Dust thought his voice was like nails on a chalkboard. The creepy monster lunged at Dust and Dust fell backward into Red. Before Dust could stab the fucker Red picked up Dust and started running.
Dust saw that they ran past his apartment building before they reached Red's house. I had no idea that Red lived so close. Red set Dust down once they got inside and Red locked the door. Red dropped his pill bag and fell to the ground, his breathing was shaky. Tears started falling from Red's eyes and Dust walked over to comfort him. Dust hugged Red and Red fell into him and started crying. Dust refused to let go of Red. Red was shaking hard, Dust could feel so much panic and fear. "Grab me my pills." Red breathed out. Dust reached for the white bag and pulled out an orange bottle. Dust didn't look at what kind of pills they were, it's none of his business. Dust handed Red the pill bottle and Red opened it. Red took 2 pills and fell back into Dust. Soon Red's breathing slowed and he knew that Red had fallen asleep. Dust decided to stay the night, what if that creepy monster came back? Red needed him right now, and Dust was going to help Red. Soon Dust fell asleep holding Red. Some of the most comfortable sleep he's had in a while.
Dust woke up when he felt Red moving. "I have to go to work." Red mumbled. Dust sat up and let Red go. Red got up and put toast in the toaster and went upstairs. Dust couldn't believe that this was real. He has a boyfriend now. He's not alone anymore. Red came back downstairs a couple minutes later wearing just a towel. Red took the toast out of the toaster and gave one of the slices to Dust. "Thanks." Dust said before biting into it. "Your 'dog' is probably waiting for you." Red said. "Oh yeah. I'll come by later." Dust said.
When Dust got home, Ashes jumped up and whined in excitement. Dust picked up Ashes. "Guess what just happened!" Dust said cheerfully. Ashes cocked his head as if to ask "What happened?" Dust set Ashes on the bed. "I just got a boyfriend!" Dust said excitedly. Ashes danced around happily, as if he knew what Dust was saying. He's just happy because I'm happy. Ashes yipped and jumped over Dust and yipped again. Dust smiled, he could still smell Red's strawberry smell. Dust thought about what happened last night at the pharmacy. He felt horrible about Red being raped. I wonder if he has anyone to vent to, or am I the only one he's told? Dust felt a sickening feeling when he remembered the awful grin that the creepy monster had when he looked at Red. That creepy monster raped Red and didn't even feel a single bit sorry about it. Dust wished that he could kill that fucker. Make him hurt like how he hurt Red. That fucker deserves every bad thing that comes to him. Dust tried to think of Red, thinking of Red calmed him a bit. Dust looked over at Ashes and gave him a little pet. "I've found the one. I'm not alone anymore." Dust smiled. Things are going to get better.

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