Chapter 12 (fluff chapter)

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Red and Dust sat at a table close to the window. Dust thought it was cute that Red had wanted to go to a cafe, they needed a little break from all the chaos going on. "The sun is very beautiful today." Red said, looking out the window. "Not as beautiful as you." Dust said. Red turned to Dust and laughed, "Oh you stop that!" Red's smile could light up a room. Red took a sip of his vanilla caramel swirl coffee and Dust took a sip of his light coffee with three shots of espresso. Dust looked at Red, he looked so happy. Dust thought back to the night they first met, Red didn't give him any weird looks or treat his differently just because he was missing half his face, Red saw him for himself. Red leaned over the table and gave Dust a little kiss on the cheek. "You look like an idiot staring at me like that." Red said softy. Dust smiled, he didn't mind looking like an idiot, he just wanted to look at Red forever. "We should get the rest of your stuff into my house later." Red said, taking another sip of his drink. "I don't have very many things left, mostly just some clothes and my bed." Dust said. "Then we should be finished by the end of the day." Red said, nodding. "Still can't believe I'm alive." Red said, staring mindlessly out the window. "Destiny has a plan for you." Dust shrugged. Red looked at Dust and smiled. Dust noticed how the fluff of Red's hoodie perfectly framed his face. "You are so damn pretty." Dust said, not realizing he said it out loud. Red laughed, "you're pretty too Dusty." Dust blushed and couldn't stop a smile from spreading across his face. "When do you think the club's going to open again?" Dust asked after a while. "I assume soon, it's been a while." Red shrugged. "Monsters are still worried about it." Dust shook his head. "I'm worried too, but we can't show it, we need to show the world that we are here and we will not submit to humans." Red said. Dust nodded in agreement and took a sip of his coffee.
"Dust hold the door open!" Red said loudly. Dust held open the door for Red as he dragged in Dust's bed mattress. "I told you we didn't need to keep it." Dust said after Red set in down. "We could use it for something." Red shrugged. Dust rolled his eye and went to sit down on the couch. Ashes yipped and leaped up onto Dust's lap. Dust held the locket that was now Ashes's collar. Look at me now Grillby, I'm happy again, I hope you don't mind that I moved on. Of course I still miss you, but I know I can't stay caught up in the past. I hope you're happy wherever you are, because I'm happy where I am. Dust smiled and pet between Ashes's ears. "I'm sure this is one hell of an upgrade." Red said, walking downstairs. "Yeah, much bigger than my apartment." Dust said. Red came and sat down in the couch next to Dust. Even though Red had been moving Dust's things all day, he still smelt of strawberries, Dust grabbed Red's face and brought him in for a long intimate kiss, and he still tasted of cherries.
Dust rested his head in Red's lap and closed his eyes. Red was so warm, Dust could just lay on him for hours and hours. Red placed a hand on Dust's chest and Dust reached a hand and placed it on Red's. The world may be burning but at least I have Red. Everything may be going to shit but Red is here with me. The world may be ending but at least I have Red to witness it with.
When Dust opened his eye an noticed that he had fallen asleep, looked up at Red and saw that he had also fallen asleep. Dust slowly got up and saw that the sun was rising. "It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Red muttered. "Yeah it is." Dust agreed. "And I didn't mean to wake you." Dust apologized. "It's alright, I have somewhere I need to be later anyways." Red shrugged. "Where do you need to be?" Dust asked. "I need to go into work so I can change to work from home." Red said. "Alphys is going to miss you." Dust told him. "Eh. She has my number and came come hang anytime." Red said. "Maybe I should start looking for a job." Dust said. "You already have a job. You're my stay at home boyfriend." Red said jokingly. Dust laughed, "You got me there." Dust smiled and kissed Red, Red gave Dust a little lick on the forehead. Dust has learned that Red's love language is cuddling, butterfly kisses, licking, and biting. Dust loves all of it, he finds it extremely adorable. Ashes yipped and jumped up on the couch. "Maybe I should've named you Yipper, because you never shut up." Dust told Ashes playfully. Ashes yipped again and jumped off the couch and started running around everywhere. "Zoooom!" Red laughed. "Ashes got the zoomies!" Dust laughed, trying to keep an eye on the gray blur. Dust leaned into Red and became warm in Red's arms. Red kissed the top of Dust's head and held him tight. Still don't know how the hell I managed to pull Red, he is wayyyyy out of my league. Red is my boyfriend, it's still hard to believe that we only met two months ago, but it's real. Red is who I want to be with forever, I can't imagine a life in which I had never met him. Red has made my life better, and I hope I can help make his life better too. Now I live with Red, it's truly a dream come true. I love Red. I love Red so much. I'm so happy that we met.

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