Chapter 13

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Red closed his laptop after a long day of working, this was his first day if working from home and he quite enjoyed it. Dust and Ashes were playing with one of those long cat toys with the feathered ends, and Red watched happily. Red had always thought that foxes would tear up everything because they're wild animals, but Ashes had proved that thought wrong. Red picked up Ashes mouse toy from the floor, "Ashes! Come here!" Red called. Ashes came bounding over and grabbed the mouse right out of Red's hand and started running around with it in his mouth. "Look at him go!" Dust laughed. Red looked out the window and saw that the leaves were already turning red and orange. "Feels like a nice day for a walk." Red said. "Want me to come with?" Dust asked. "No, you don't have to." Red said. "Okay. Text or call me if you need to." Dust said. Red slipped on his shoes and grabbed his phone and headphones and went outside. As soon as Red stepped onto the sidewalk be turned on his phone and put his playlist on shuffle.

It's been a while since he listened to this song, but he still finds it easy to enjoy. Red looked all around his and watched as leaves fell from the trees, covering the ground with yellow, red, and orange leaves. In the yard of a nearby house two young rabbit monsters were playing on a tire swing. The cool autumn air was comforting, not too hot and not too cold. Red looked down at the lines in the sidewalk, careful to make sure he didn't step on any. Red felt a strange chill run down his back, but he just brushed it off, it was probably just the cooler weather. Red walked past the monster only gay club/bar and saw that it was still closed. Will it just stay closed forever? Red felt another weird chill and decided to turn his music down a bit so he could hear what was going on around him. Soon Red heard footsteps behind him. Red opened up his camera app and pointed it slightly behind him, Red nearly froze when he saw Fatal. Red decided that it was best to keep walking and act as if he was completely oblivious to Fatal's presence.

What's up?
Fatal's following me
Shit what!?
Does he know you know?
I don't think so
Where are you?
I recently passed the gay club
There's a library near there. Go inside and I'll be there soon.

Red walked until he saw the library that Dust was talking about and headed inside. He quickly went to the back of the library and hung out there until he knew it was safe to walk around. It's strange that Fatal never goes inside anywhere. Red browsed through the manga section, he knew that Dust liked these kind of books. Red recognized one of the series, Vigilantes, Dust needed book 12 I think. Red grabbed book 12 and a few books 1's of a couple series he hadn't seen before.

I'm here.
Okay. I'm in the manga section. I got some books for you😄

Red waited for Dust to find him and they went to the buy books area. "Is he still out there?" Red asked before they left. "I didn't see him." Dust said. When they left the library Red looked all around to make sure he didn't see him. "It's alright Red, if he comes at us I'll kill him." Dust said confidently. Dust held Red's sleeve as they quickly made there way home. "Hello." Said an evil glitchy voice. Red froze and Dust pulled out his pocket knife. "No need to fear, my friend." Fatal laughed. Red turned around and looked at him. He still had that evil look to him that he had when he killed Red's best friend. "Fuck off." Dust growled. "Am I not welcome here?" Fatal asked, still smiling. "You're not welcome anywhere near Red." Dust said sternly. Looking at Fatal triggered flashbacks to start, they were small now, but Red knew that they would get worse fast. Fatal looked down at Dust's knife. "Are you going to stab me?" Fatal asked. "I will if you take a step closer to us." Dust growled. Fatal laughed. "You wouldn't be able to stop me." Fatal said devilishly. Suddenly Fatal lunged forward and pushed Dust to the ground, Red tried to help but Fatal grabbed him. Fatal put Red in a headlock and Red struggled to get free. Suddenly he felt a hand touch his crotch and he freaked out. Red bite down on Fatal's arm then elbowed him in the chest. He pushed Fatal to the ground and backed up, getting ready to run. Fatal got up fast, but Dust swung at him and managed to draw blood. Red ran over and swung a right hook at Fatal's jaw as hard as he could and Fatal fell to the ground again. Red picked up the bag of books he dropped and swung them at Fatal's face when he stood up again. "Fuck yeah! Beat the shit out'a him!" Dust cheered. When Fatal fell to the ground again, Red grabbed Dust and ran home. As soon as Red got inside he collapsed to the floor. He was shaking to hard, he could barely breathe. Tears fell from his eyes and the flashbacks were getting worse and worse. He felt a hand on his and he saw Dust. "Take your meds." Dust said, handing Red two pills. Red quickly took his meds and collapsed into Dust's arms. "It's okay Red. You did such a good job. I'm sure he won't be messing with you again anytime soon." Dust assured him. Ashes ran up to them and started cuddling Red. "It's okay Red." Dust whispered softly. "Is it okay?" Red cried. "What he did wasn't okay, but you are okay now. You're safe here in my arms. Right now he can't get to you. Nothing can hurt you here."

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