Chapter 18

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"Red?" Dust asked. Usually Red stayed with him until we woke up. Dust put on his clothes and started looking around the house. "Red?" Dust asked again. Ashes chipped in the search with some chirping. Dust looked in the bathroom. Nothing. Bedroom. Nothing. Closet. Nope. Not there either. "Red!" Dust yelled. No response. Dust ran to grab his phone. He dialed Red's number. It went straight to voice mail. "Fuck." Dust hissed. Where did he go? Where the fuck did he go? He started to panic. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Think idiot! Think! Dust's mind flashed through that day's events. Dust couldn't find anything that stood out. Dust tried to rationalize. Maybe Red had to run to the store real quick and he didn't have time to charge his phone. He'll be back soon, I'm sure! He's not in any danger! Just at the store! Then Dust's mind turned to awful thoughts. What if Fatal came back while I was sleeping? What if Fatal took Red? What if Fatal has him locked up somewhere? What if he's torturing Red? What if he's going to kill Red? What if he already did? What if Red died and it's all my fault? All my fault. All my fault. All my fault. Just like Grillby's death was all my fault. I was there. I could've stopped it from happening. I could've helped him. But I just watched as he was shot and killed. Now it's all my fault that Red is dead. I was sleeping. I was fucking sleeping. Now he's gone and I'm never going to be able to see him again. I'll never feel his soft hands on my bones. I'll never taste his strawberry kiss. I'll never fall asleep in his arms. How could I be so stupid? How could I let him slip away? It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. He's gone. He's gone and it's all my fault. Tears sprang in Dust's eye and he rested his head in his knees. Ashes rubbed against Dust's hand and chirped. The gold locket brushed against Dust's hand as well. Suddenly Dust remembered something. Before they fucked, Red was talking about going out to kill Fatal. Dust gasped. He's gone looking for Fatal! Dust jumped up and put his shoes on. He grabbed his axe and ran out, making sure to lock the door behind him. The rain hadn't stopped yet, but that didn't matter. He had to find Red. He could be anywhere. Dust's socks were already soaked through his shoes from the rain-made puddles. He continued running, the squish of his socks while he ran made him want to gag. Dust blinked rain out of his eye and kept going. "Red!" He shouted. He didn't care about not drawing attention to himself, he needed to find Red. A car drove by, soaking Dust with water. Dust through curses at the car and it's driver before continuing. The wind was starting the pick up and he was starting to get cold. He ran through a flock of crows or ravens, he didn't have time to tell the difference. Dust looked everywhere in town that he could possibly think of. How long ago did he leave? How long was I sleeping for? Dust had to stop to catch his breath. He was cold. Terribly cold. Rain pelted into him as he stood. He was shivering at this point. He should've worn something warmer. There was nothing more Dust could do. He looked everywhere. He couldn't find him. Dust fell to his knees, landing in a shallow puddle. Dust couldn't stop shaking. He lost Red. The only monster who ever cared about him. No. Red wasn't the only one ever. Grillby cared about him too. But he let him die. Maybe Dust was never meant to find love. Maybe he was supposed to live his life alone. Maybe it's what he deserves. After he stopped believing in God his life went downhill. This could all just be awful coincidence, but it just makes too much sense. Dust closed his eye. Please. If there is a God, please keep Red safe. Please. He is the nicest, kindest, friendliest monster you'll ever meet. Please protect him. Please. Dust prayed to a God he didn't believe in. A God that never answered him. A God that wasn't watching over him. Dust knew that praying did nothing, but part of him hoped that maybe "God" could watch over Red. Dust knew there was no God. His father's words still played on repeat in his head. "If you stray from the path of God, you will burn in hell. You will be tortured for all of eternity. I'm doing this to help you. I am saving you from Satan." That was right before he killed Grillby. "I thought murder was a sin?!" Dust had cried. "The murder of humans and monsters is a sin." His father hissed. "Faggots were sent by Satan. It is not a sin to kill those beasts." His father said. Faggot. That was the first time he had ever heard that word. That word played in the back of his mind whenever he thought about Grillby. Whenever a boy gave him butterflies in his stomach. Whenever Red held him in his arms. Whenever Red took control and dominated him. People say that words cannot hurt. Words do hurt. They stay in the back of your mind for the rest of your life. They follow you wherever you go. And the more it stays with you, the more you start to believe it. Eventually that leads to cut wrists and suicide notes. Overdose. Hanging. Drowning. However one chooses to do it. So yeah. Words do fucking hurt. Dust stood up and wiped tears from his eyes. Dust started the walk home, then stopped. In the distance. A glowing sign. He wasn't sure how he missed it or how he didn't think of it before. It was all starting to come together. He knew where Red went. The club.

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