Chapter 14

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Dust sighed and closed his eyes. He could hear Red's soft breathing next to him. Fucking hell. I love this mother fucker. Dust looked over at Red, he was still sleeping. Dust started to notice that Red would never fall asleep naked, even after a night of passion. Dust personally didn't care whether he fell asleep naked or not, he knew that Red wouldn't take advantage of h--oooh, that's why. Dust felt bad for Red. Red was so nice and cute, he didn't deserve what happened to him. Red sleepily rubbed an eye and mumbled something that sounded adorable and fell back to sleep. Dust slowly got up and out of bed, Ashes jumped down to follow him. Dust went down to the kitchen and started boiling water in a pot. Dust noticed the window curtains were open, he quickly closed them, no one needs to see Dust's naked body. Dust quietly hummed to himself as his water was cooking. Dust opened the medicine cabinet and took out Red's pills and put them on the counter for when Red wakes up. A blanket was unexpectedly trown at Dust. He heard Red laugh when he let out a small yelp if surprise. "Omg you asshole!" Dust laughed. "Put some clothes on. There are children here." Red said. "What children?" Dust asked. Red exaggeratedly pointed at Ashes and gave Dust the 'duh' look. Dust laughed and walked upstairs to grab his clothes. Dust through on a baggy white shirt and some gray sweatpants. Dust walked downstairs just in time to see Red put the noodles in the pot. "Don't forget your meds." Dust reminded him. "Oh yeah!" Red said and grabbed his pills from off the table. "What do you wanna watch?" Red asked. "I don't know. Maybe Plague Dogs or somethin." Dust shrugged. "Ah not Plague dogs! It's sad." Red exclaimed. "Yeah, and the book is better." Dust stirred the noodles. "Maybe we could watch some anime." Dust suggested. "Yeah. We should watch the one with the murderer with the large scythe. What was that one called again?" Red asked. "Angels of Death." Dust said. Angels of Death was one of his favorite animes. "Yeah. Either that or we can watch whatever the news has to say." Red said. "Ew. Not the news." Dust shook his head. Red smiled and walked over to the couch as Dust turned off the fire of the stove and grabbed two bowls. Dust put about the same amount of noodles and each bowl and brought them over to Red. Red happily started wolfing down his noodles and Dust slowly ate his as they watched anime. "Yow know people ship Zack and Rachel?" Red said. Dust nearly choked on his noodles. "What!? But Rachel is a child." Dust said. "I know, it's kinda weird. People say it's fine because they're fictional characters." Red shrugged. "That doesn't make it okay!" Dust exclaimed. "I know! It's so weird." Red agreed. "Just because they're fictional characters doesn't make Rachel not a child." Dust shook his head. "Yeah. I wonder what those people think of real children." Red said. Dust shook his head. Those kind of people are stupid. They use any excuse to ship awful and gross and illegal shit. It's even worse when the creators of the show excuse it. Dust didn't know what the creators of Angels of Death thought of the illegal shipping, hopefuly they were against it. "Personally I see Zack as an older brother to Rachel." Red said. "Yeah." Dust agreed. "I don't ship anyone in this show. I just sit back and enjoy the murder." Dust said and Red nodded in agreement. Red and Dust ate the rest of their noodles in silence, only gasping at some parts even though they watched this many times. Ashes chirped and Dust knew he needed to go on a walk. Dust grabbes Ashes's leash and collar and waved to Red before leaving.

Ashes stopped to sniff everything on their walk and the monsters passing by gave Dust weird looks, he was use to them by now. Dust walked past the gay club and noticed that it had been reopened. I wonder if Red wants to go later, just to see if anything changed. Dust kept walking and saw a group of humans with signs. The signs read "Monsters have no place here!" "Beast Monsters are trying to steal our rights!" "Don't let the Beast Monsters kill us all!" And other things simular. Dust rolled his eye and started to walk by. Humans started yelling at him calling him a "beast monster" and Dust flipped them the bird, that only made them angrier. Humans are stupid if they think us monsters are the threat. If I recall correctly, it was the humans that sealed us underground for hundreds of thousands of years, not the other way around. Dust sighed. Maybe their scared of our magic, but if that's the case then why don't they just say that they're little scaredy pussys that don't have a lick of common sense. Dust didn't even have magic, so they have no reason to fear him, unless they come at him first. Ashes finally found a place to do his business and they could start heading home. Dust walked past the mob of stupid humans again and one of them threw a rock at him. It missed, but he was still angry so he picked up the rock and threw it back, managing to actually hit someone. Dust snickered to himself. Dust knew that throwing the rock was a bad idea, it just gave the humans more of a reason to hate them, but he wasn't just gonna let them push him around. Dust noticed that he was being followed by one if the humans, so he turned around to confront her. "What's the deal?" Dust asked. "Fucking beast monster. Go back to where you came from!" She said. Dust rolled his eyes. "No thanks. I actually quite like it here." Dust shrugged. "Watch your back beast monster. One if these days we're gonna kill of if you vermin." She hissed. "Oh no. I'm so scared." Dust said sarcastically. "You should be." The lady spat. Dust laughed. "It's funny that you're signs say that we will kill all humans, but it's you guys that threaten to kill us. I wonder how you would react if we went around with signs saying that humans were going to kill us?" Dust wondered aloud. "You're going to hell." She threatened. "Ya can't threaten me with something I don't believe in." Dust shrugged. "And if all monsters are going to hell, I'd rather be in hell with my friends than in heaven with a bunch of racist hoe bags." Dust said and walked away, he could still hear the lady yelling at him.

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