Chapter 15

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Red sighed and downed his meds. It was going to be a long day, he could feel it. There were large dark storm clouds rolling in. He would've wanted to go to the library with Dust today, but the rain would probably prevent it. "Hey Red, we still going to the library later?" Dust asked. "Um, as long as the storm waits until after we head out." Red said. "We'll probably have to wait until tomorrow. It'll probably start any minute now." Dust said. Red nodded. Thunder cracked up ahead and Red flinched. It sounded like gunshots. Dust put a hand on Red's back. "It's okay. I'll make some hot chocolate and we can make a pillow fort." Dust said. "Yeah. That sounds like a good idea." Red smiled. "So how much marshmallows do you want in your hot chocolate?" Dust asked, heading over to the cabinet. "Like a billion." Red said. "Geez. I don't think we have a big enough cup for that." Dust said. Red let out a small laugh. Another crack of thunder sounded, and Red yelped. He felt his heart start to pound in his chest. "It's just thunder. Thunder and gunshots may sound similar, but they have differences that help differentiate between them. If it was gunshots I would tell you." Dust said. Red nodded and sat down on the floor. Ashes came and curled up on Red's lap. "Make sure to use milk chocolate." Red said. "Of course. Dark chocolate is way too bitter." Dust said. "Do you want colored marsh mellows and white marsh mellows?" Dust asked. "The colored ones." Red said. "Got it." Dust nodded. Ashes chirped at Red and Red started gently stroking his fur. Thunder sounded once again and Red closed his eyes tightly. He could feel himself start to shake. His mind started replaying unwanted memories. Suddenly he felt warmth press up against him. Red opened his eyes and Dust was hugging him tightly. "It's okay Red. I'm here." Dust whispered. Another crack of thunder and Red tensed. Dust started rubbing Red's arm. "You're okay. You're safe. You have nothing to fear." Dust whispered. Ashes yipped and pressed his face into Red's chest. Tears burned in his eyes, but he was starting to feel less scared. "I love you." Red whispered. "I love you too." Dust said. Dust stood up and continued making the hot chocolate. Red heard angry knocking at the door. "Who the hell is at the door is this weather?" Dust asked. "I don't know. I'll go see." Red stood up and walked over to the door. Red looked through the little peep hole and held back a gasp. It was Fatal. He was waiting. He knew where he lived and he was waiting for Red to open the door. "Who's at the door?" He heard Dust asked. Red the stood, frozen, staring at the door. Maybe Fatal would just go away if Red didn't move. "I know you're in there." Fatal's glitchy voice said through the door. "Red?" Dust called. Red ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. "Woah! Hey! What's going on?" Dust asked. "It's Fatal. Fatal's at the door. He knows I'm here." Red said. "What?" Dust hissed. "Give me that knife. I'll go stab him in his stupid face." Dust said, taking the knife from Red. "Be careful." Red whispered. Red followed Dust to the front door. Dust opened the door aggressively and Fatal staggered backwards. "Get the fuck off my property!" Dust hissed. "I don't have to do anything." Fatal said. "Do you want to get fucking stabbed?" Dust asked. Fatal tried to push past Dust, but Dust quickly plunged the knife into Fatal's arm. "You fuck off and leave my boyfriend alone before I fucking dust you." Dust growled. Fatal held his arm and looked at Dust before summoning his blaster. Dust gasped and the blaster shot. Red rushed in front of Dust before it could reach him, Red got hit instead. Red yelled and staggered backwards. Red's vision was burry and eventually he fell and was engulfed in darkness.

Red could hear muffled yelling, but he couldn't make out what was going on. Everything was dark and he felt cold, very cold. Red wanted to be with Dust. He was scared. Soon the muffled yelling vanished and it was silent. After about a minute he heard talking, still muffled. The talking sounded sad. Soon Red couldn't hear anything anymore.

Red felt a hand in his. Red was slowly able to open his eyes. He looked over and saw Dust. His face was all scrunched up and sad, he had tears running down his face. Red tightened his grip on Dust's hand and Dust opened his eye. "Red?" Dust croaked. Dust's voice sounded strained. "Dust." Red whispered. Dust wrapped his arms around Red and started crying harder. Red found it hard to breathe, and not just because Dust was squeezing him. Red's chest hurt, a lot. "Red, I was so scared you weren't going to wake up." Dust sobbed. "It's okay Dust." Red said. "Are you in pain?" Dust asked. "My chest hurts and it's hard to breathe." Red said. Dust felt Red's chest and made an upset face. Dust stood up and ran off somewhere, leaving Red alone on the floor. Red closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He was cold and tired and in pain. Soon Red heard Dust coming back. "Red?" Dust asked. "Yeah?" Red responded. "I'm going to have to take off your hoodie and undershirt." Dust said. "Okay. Be gentle." Red sighed. Dust bent down next to Red and started to unzip Red's hoodie. There wasn't an easy way to take Red's undershirt off, so Dust had to cut it off. Red didn't like the face Dust made when he looked at Red's chest. Red couldn't see what his chest looked like, but according to Dust's face, it was BAD. "Is it bad?" Red asked, already knowing the answer. "Well, it's not good." Dust said nervously.

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