Chapter 10

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Dust ran out the door and slammed it behind him, a loud metal thud came as soon as he closed it. Dust feel to the ground, getting mud on his pants. Dust took a minute to breathe before looking around him. He was in the trash area outside the club and it was raining heavily. Dust pulled out his cracked phone, it still had some battery left. As Dust stared at his phone he tried to make sense of what just happened. He remembers falling asleep on Red's lap and then being thrown over a counter and hearing gunshots. Every part of Dust wanted to go back for Red, but he couldn't. Dust turned on his phone and dialed 911.

"Hello 911. What's your emergency?"
"There's a shooting at Paws&Claws Queer Club."
"How many people are inside?"
"I'm not sure. At least over 50."
"Where were you when the shooting started?"
"I was indside the club."
"Where are you now?"
"I'm outside near the garbage cans."

The person on the phone kept asking questions and Dust answerd them to the best of his ability. The call was forced to end when his phone died. "Fuck" He cursed to himself. Dust stood up on shaky legs and took a few steps away from the door. Dust knew that Red was in there, in danger. Dust knew that Red could be dead. Dust started crying. Its was him who wanted to come here and now it's him leaving Red alone and in danger. Everyone that Dust had ever loved was dead, Dust blamed himself for every death. Dust could hardly breathe it felt like the entire world was collapsing around him. Every worst possible scenario played over and over in Dust's head. He was convinced that Red was dead and it was all his fault for wanting to come here. It's been two minutes since the shooting started. Dust ran at the door and tried to open it, but he soon realized that it was a door that locked after it was closed. Dust felt like he was going to throw up, he couldn't tell if it was from the drinks or the sheer amount of fear and panic he felt. The world was spinning and he could hardly stand. He felt cold and numb. He felt as if his legs would give out and he would fall to the ground. He felt sick. So god damn sick. He felt more sick than he ever did killing people. Such a fucking hypocrite. His mind hissed at him. You used to have so much fun killing people, but now you say it's bad when someone else is doing it. Dust tried to block out his thoughts but they kept coming. Dust fell to the ground, he felt out of breath. Dust clenched the muddy ground as the rain attacked his back and drowned out the world around him. Dust couldn't hold in his vomit any more and threw up all over the ground. Dust wanted to give up. He wanted to fall to the ground. Fall into the mud and his puke. But he knew he couldn't. He couldn't because there could still be a chance that Red is alive. Even if the chance is less than one. Even the smallest chance is what Dust needed to keep from giving up. Dust sat back and his knees and closed his eyes, Dust breathed and counted to ten. It's been three minutes. Dust waited to hear sirens as the rain pelted him. Dust looked back at the door and forced himself to believe in that less than 1% chance. " alive." Dust whispered. Dust thought back to when they first met, Red was so nice and happy and he had the best smile Dust had ever seen. The first time they slept together, it was just a hook up, but that was the best sex Dust had ever had. Dust thought about the night at the pharmacy, learning that Red had been raped, seeing the monster that raped him, falling asleep with Red in his arms. Every day since they first met Dust recalled happily. If Red's going to die Dust wanted to remember every single moment they shared together. Dust was scared, not for himself, but for Red. Dust wished he was the one inside the club instead of Red, but than Red would be the one out here worrying about Dust, but at least he'd be alive. Dust noticed that there was silence, no more gunshots and no more screams. Does this mean it's over or that everyone is dead? Suddenly Dust heard a gunshot and then a scream. Red! That scream was Red! Dust ran to the door and did everything to try to open it. Red got shot! Red got shot! Red got shot! Dust started crying even harder than he was before. Dust could hear faint noise coming from inside the club, but he couldn't tell what was going on. Dust kicked and punched at the door but it wouldn't budge. Soon Dust heard police sirens, it had been five minutes at this point. Dust stopped kicking and punching at the door and took a step back to breathe. The rain battered down on him, he felt numb. He knew Red was dead. Red was shot and he died. It was all Dust's fault. Dust heard yelling and shooting and Dust ran to the front of the building. "Sir, are you the one who called us?" An officer asked. "Yes I am." Dust answered. Dust stood in front of the club, watching police and paramedics go in and out. Dust watched as they brought a stretcher into the club. After about two minutes they brought out the stretcher.

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