Chapter 21

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Red woke up in Dust's arms. Dust was sleeping. He had tear marks running down his face. Red felt weak. He could hardly move. "Dust." He whispered. Dust's eye shot open and he looked down at Red. "Red." Dust said, caressing Red's cheek. "I want to go home." Red cried. And before he knew it, he blacked out again. When he woke up it was very warm. He was wrapped up in a bunch of blankets. He heard light sobbing next to him and he looked over. It was Dust. Red reached out and grabbed Dust's face, well, it was more of a light tap. Dust looked up with a teary eye. Dust grabbed Red's hand. "Don't die." Dust whispered. "I'm trying not to." Red whispered back. Dust moved closer and hugged him. Dust smelled like cigarette smoke, but Red didn't mind. "I love you." Dust whispered. "I love you too." Red said before blacking out again.

Red woke up to the sound of thunder. He gasped. Dust gently stroked Red's back until he fell asleep again.

Red's eyes opened once more. Dust's hand was on his. Red slowly sat up. The pitter patter of the rain hitting the window was soothing. Dust was sleeping peacefully with Ashes on his lap. Red's curiosity got the better of him and he carefully reached for the necklace. It was light. He realized that it wasn't just a necklace, it could open. Red slowly opened it, careful not to wake Dust. Inside was an old photo. A photo of, what Red assumed, was a younger Dust. He wasn't missing half his face in this photo, but that wasn't all. Dust was holding hands with a fire monster. Was this an Ex he couldn't get over, or a past friend he drifted away from? It didn't really bother Red though. Red understood why someone would keep something they got from an Ex, after all, Red kept a few things he got from his first love too. Red closed the necklace and set in back down over Ashes' head. Red straightened his posture. He took a few minutes to process everything that happened last night. Having sex with Dust, sneaking into the club, getting locked in the freezer, almost freezing to death, sacrificing himself to save Dust, being forced to strip and stay quiet, being raped again and passing out halfway through, waking up to see Dust's grief stricken face, and now being home. In the moment it felt like it had been lasting forever. Now, it's just a memory to be haunted by for the rest of his life. Tears formed in Red's eyes as his brain replayed the events over and over again. He felt broken. He thought that going out and facing his fear would make things better, but it just made things worse. His mind flashed to the night. The night his life was supposed to end. "Don't worry. We'll both make it out of here, I promise." Sci had said. They didn't both make it out of there. Only Red did. He shouldn't have. He felt a warm hand wipe his tears away. Red looked at Dust. "It's okay." Dust whispered. Red fell into Dust and sobbed into his loving arms. It's not okay! I let my best friend get killed! It's all my fault! It's all my fault! I should be dead! I should be dead! I don't deserve to live! "He can't hurt you anymore." Dust whispered. Suddenly his mind flashed to the moment before Sci died. This was something he had forgotten. How did he forget this. "Please don't die." Red sobbed. Sci cracked a smile. "I can't make any promises." He laughed. Red couldn't smile. His best friend was going to die. "C'mon Red. I want to see your beautiful smile one last time." Sci said. "How can I smile?" Red asked. "I was supposed to die, not you." Red cried even harder. Sci sighed. "Red, it's not your time. You are going to live a long happy life, even without me in it. I'll miss you Red, but I know we'll meet again one day. I promise." Sci said. "Now, please. Please smile for me." Sci said. Red thought back to all their happy memories together and smiled, he smiled even though he was sad, he smiled. He smiled for his friend. He smiled for his love. Sci smiled back. "I love that smile." He whispered. Soon Sci was nothing but a pile of dust in Red's arms. How could Red forget that? Red smiled. They will meet again one day, but not today. Red didn't know if there was an afterlife, he wasn't raised to believe in one, but whatever lay beyond life, he knew Sci was there waiting for him. Tears still fell from his eyes, but he didn't feel as sad anymore. Things were going to be okay. It was going to get better. Dust's breathing was calming. Red looked up at him with big teary eyes. "Thanks for staying with me. I love you more than words can describe." Red's voice cracked as he spoke. At first he wasn't sure if it was Dust or Sci he was saying to too, but looking into Dust's loving gaze, the answer was clear. Sci wanted him to be happy, and being with Dust made him happy. "I love you Dust." Red said again. Dust's grip on Red tightened. "I love you too Red." He said.

Red took his meds. Dust had left them on the table for him like always. It had been a few months since he went out searching for Fatal, and he was doing better. "Hey Red." Dust said, breakfast still in his mouth. "Yes Dust?" Red asked. "Can we go to the book store today? I was walking by with Ashes yesterday and there was a sale on manga. I want to see if there's still a sale today." Dust said. "Sure, just wait until your done eating first." Red said. Dust smiled and nodded. Red looked out the window. Gentle snow had fallen to the ground last night, making outside almost blinding to look at. The birds that hadn't flown south for the winter chirped a morning song. Winter was beautiful. It was like a whole other world. His favorite thing about winter was that it gave him another excuse to use Dust as his own personal heater. Red looked at his reflection in the window. His frostbite had almost completely vanished, only a bit of red was left on his cheeks and fingertips. Ashes yipped at Red. Red picked him up and placed him on the window sill. Ashes yipped and chirped at the birds, squirrels, and passersby. "Red." Dust said. "Yeah?" Red turned around to face him. "I love you." Dust said happily. Red smiled. "I love you too."

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