Chapter 9

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It's been a few days since Red started dating Dust, it's been going very well. Red heard a notification sound on his phone and checked it. It was Dust.

Hey Red
Oh hey Dust.
Wanna go that gay bar tonight?
Sure, sounds fun.
Awesome! See you there❤❤❤
See you there❤❤❤

Red sat up, excited that he was going to be going on a date with Dust later. Red seemed to love Dust more and more everyday, more than he did when he first hooked up with Dust. They've slept together a few times since they started dating, Dust only liked being bottom, Red didn't mind doming every time, he enjoyed being the one in control. Maybe Dust had a point, maybe Destiny really was trying to tell us something. Red decided that he was going to wear his fluffiest hoodie to the date tonight. Honesty Red was surprised at how well they got along, they just understood each other. This was Red's first real relationship, and hopefully his last. Red grabbed his meds from the medicine cabinet and took a few pills. Red made himself a cup of coffee and sat down on the couch and turned on the news. That guy that shot up the neighborhood was released yesterday, that's fucking stupid. Rumor has it that his dad had a friend that worked for the police department. Red sighed. Why the fuck humans gotta be like that? Red got up and grabbed a cookie dough ice cream sandwich from the freezer. Red changed the channel to a nature documentary about lions. Red slowly at his ice cream sandwich while he watched two lions mating on the TV. Red took a mental health day today, but he still did some work on his laptop.
After a few hours Red closed his laptop and laid down on the couch and took a quick nap.
Red woke up soon before the sun went down and decided that it was time to leave.

Just leaving the house.
I'm leaving soon too. You'll probably make it there before me so don't wait.

Red looked at the sunset as he walked down the street, he felt safe when there was still a little bit of light. When Red made it to the club/bar he sat down in the place where he first met Dust. Red saw Dust walk in and got up to greet him. Dust was wearing a dark blue shirt and gray sweatpants. "Looking good." Red said before leaning in for a kiss. "Not too bad yourself." Dust said after their kiss. Red ordered them some fruity drinks and sat down on a drink-stained loveseat. Dust rested his head on Red's lap, Red didn't mind. Red watched as monsters danced, laughed, flirted, drank, and even sang. He felt safe in this place, no human could hurt him in here. "Life is weird y'know." Dust said. "I guess it is yeah." Red shrugged. "Like, the universe is constantly expanding, so that means that infinity is becoming more infinite." Dust said. "Yeah. It makes you wonder what it's expanding into. How can it expand it's already infinite?" Red added. "Yeah. It's real strange. And it's like what's the point if the heat death of the universe is really going to happen. Nothing we do will matter in the long run." Dust said. "That's why we should do what makes us happy. If it doesn't matter in the long run, we can make it matter now." Red said. "I guess that makes sense." Dust shrugged and closed his eyes. Dust soon fell asleep and Red smiled to himself. Dust is so cute. Red placed his hand on Dust's chest. Red smiled and leaned back and closed his eyes. Before Red could fall asleep he heard gunshots. Red grabbed Dust, who was still half asleep, and threw him behind the bar counter. Red leaped over the bar counter and landed next to Dust. Dust was fully awake now and he grabbed Red's hand tightly. "I thought we were safe here." Red hardly managed to whisper. Red flinched as he heard another gunshot. All Red could hear were screams and gunshots. Dust was trying to comfort him, but he could hardly pay attention. "We need to get out of here." Dust said with a hard expression. Red looked around and saw a door. "I think that's an exit." Red said pointing at the door. "Let's go." Dust said. "You go. They'll see us if I go with you. You need to go alone." Red said. "Um fuck no I'm not leaving you here. You could die!" Dust said, looking panicked. "You can leave and call the police. I'll stay hidden until then." Red explained. "What if you die! I can't live without you!" Dust said, tears forming in his eye. "You don't have to worry about living without me because I won't die." Red said. Red placed his hands on Dust's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "You need to get out if here. I will be okay." Red said sternly. Dust stared at Red for a while before nodding and making his way to the exit. As soon as Dust left and closed the door a bullet hit it. Red sat behind the bar counter, he was terrified. Red forced himself to stay in the present instead of falling into the past. It's only been a minute but it feels like it's been hours. Could this be the same guy from the neighborhood shooting? Red felt tears fall from his eyes and he covered his mouth with his hands to prevent himself from crying out in fear. Red hoped that Dust made it out okay. A jar was knocked off the counter and shattered next to Red, suddenly he was pushed to the ground and landed in the glass. Red looked at the person who pushed him, he was met with the barrel of a gun in his face. Red froze. Fuck. Is this really how I die?

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