Chapter 6

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Dust scooped up Ashes as soon as he heard the gunshots start and hide in the closet. Ashes stayed silent for once, the noise must be scaring him. Dust wondered if Red was okay. What if he was outside when it started? What he couldn't make it somewhere safe? What if he's dead? Dust pushed away his worries. Right now he had to focus on keeping himself and Ashes safe. Dust sat down after about 20 minutes of standing and Ashes sat quietly in his lap. Dust closed his eye tightly and tried to wish away the violence. Dust knew first hand of what violence could do to someone. What happened to himself, his assassin friends, his father, and Grillby. Violence can consume someone and it always ends in tragedy. Dust opened his eye again. How long has it been? Where are the police? Dust thought that the police would've arrived already to stop the shooter, it has to have been at least an hour by now. Ashes dug his face into Dust's shirt and whined. Dust gently stroked Ashes's fluffy fur. "It's okay Ashy. It will be over soon." Dust hoped he was right. Dust held Ashes closer to his body, Ashes was shaking. About a half hour later Dust finally heard police sirens, but he still didn't come out. He heard the police yell, but he didn't know what they were saying. There was silence after about 2 minutes. Dust opened the closet door and walked over to the window. He saw the police were driving away, probably with the shooter in the back if there car. Dust felt himself getting angry. If they could arrest him this fast then why didn't they come sooner!? Dust shook with anger. Why did they take so damn long!? Ashes chirped and brushed up against Dust's leg. Dust sighed and reached down to pet Ashes.
The next morning Dust didn't want to get out of bed, but he was curious on what the news had to day about the shooting. Maybe they would explain why the police took so long. Dust sat up and turned in his TV and put on the news. 20 Monsters died, 1 human died, 1 human child died, 4 monster children died, and 40 were injured. They showed the faces of the victims on the news, thankfully Red wasn't one of them and Dust breathed a sigh of relief. "Thankfully the police were able to make a quick arrest before further harm could be done." Said the news lady. Quick? How was that quick!? So many monsters died! Children died! What the fuck took them so long!? Dust figured that they only came after the human died, because that's when it really mattered to them. Dust turned on the TV and went back to moping in his bed. Ashes climbed up to join him and curled up on Dust's back and chirped.  Dust sighed and closed his eye. Dust can't believe that he was still thinking about Red. It was a one night stand, it didn't mean anything. Red probably hooked up with like 20 other guys since then, he probably doesn't even remember Dust. Ashes hopped off of Dust's back and started licking his face. Dust groaned and sat up. "What're'ya hungry or somethin?" Dust asked. Ashes yipped and leaped over to his food bowl. Dust grabbed Ashes's bowl and filled it up with dog food. Ashes yipped and chowed down. Dust grabbed the water bowl and filled that up too. Dust looked at his phone, is was a Monday. Red was probably at work, wait, why am I still thinking about Red!? Dust sighed and sat with a slouch on his bed. A few minutes later Ashes came jumping up onto the bed with his leash and harness in his mouth. Dust sighed, "All right all right. Let's go." Dust put the harness on Ashes and clipped in the leash. Ashes climbed into Dust's skull as they left Dust's Apartment. Ashes jumped out of Dust's head as soon as they left they building, Dust quickly grabbed his leash. Ashes was really good at walking, always stayed on the path and never bothered anyone. A couple monsters had to look twice as Dust and Ashes passed, but he understood, it's not everyday that you see someone walking a fox. The streets were not very crowded since it was a week day, so it was mostly calm except for one or two drunk or homeless people. Dust breathed in the warm air and Ashes sniffed the air too. Meeting Red was the kickstart he needed to start living more, and Ashes is totally helping with that too. Ashes suddenly stopped as a seemingly drunk human man blocked our path. "You and yer dum cat need ta go back ta wer ya came frum." The drunk man said (not very well if I may add). "Oh fuck off. I was born here. This is where I came from ya dumbass." Dust said and picked up Ashes. Dust tried to walk past the man, but the wouldn't let Dust past. "Um excuse me?" Dust said, surprised. "Ya stubid beast monsters shuld all die." The drunk man said angrily. The drunk man grabbed Dust by his shirt collar and threw him to the ground. Dust dropped Ashes's least when he fell. Dust had the wind knocked out of him and couldn't stand back up.  This it it. This is how I die. Suddenly the man was pulled backwards and was thrown into the road, the man fell and scrambled to his feet before yelling more slurs and running off. Dust slowly sat up and saw Red glaring angrily at the direction the man ran off in, standing next to Red was a proud looking Ashes. Red turned to Dust and offered his hand, Dust quickly took it and Red helped him stand up. Red let Dust lean against him and Ashes climbed up Dust and sat in his skull. "Nice dog." Red commented. Dust laughed nervously. "I thought you would still be at work?" Dust said. "I'm on lunch break." Red shrugged. "I'm lucky you were here, 'else I'd be a dead man." Dust said. Dust pushed himself off Red and Red sighed. "First the dog food and now this? You seem to need my help often." Red said, reaching into his pocket. Red handed Dust a piece of paper with a number on it. "If ya ever need help with stuff or wanna hang or even hook up again." And with that Red left. Dust looked down at the paper and felt like running around and yelling in joy. HOLY SHIT!!! HOLY SHIT!!! IT'S FUCKEN HAPPENING!!! RED WANTS TO FUCK!!! Dust was so happy and Ashes was doing happy yips.
When Dust got home he immediately put Red's number in his phone. He had a plan: This friday he would text Red and ask him if he wanted to chill at the club/bar again. Dust was determined to sleep with Red again.

Love in Lustful Places (RedxDust RustTale fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now