Chapter 7

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Red lay in his bed, his thoughts going wild. I can't believe I attacked a human. I actually attacked a human. I couldn't just watch Dust die like how I just watched him die. Now my life in on the line. I'm now a beast monster. I attacked a human. I had to! I had no choice! Hopefully that guy was too drunk to remember that I attacked him. Red forced himself to focus on his breathing. Red gave Dust his number, Dust hadn't texted him yet, so he probably wasn't interested. Red sighed, ya can't say I didn't try. Red thought it was quite amusing that Dust had a pet fox, Dust was cool like that. Red sighed and got up. Today is Tuesday, he needed to go to work before he's late. Red was proud that he was never late. Red walked down the stairs and grabbed the last to slices of bread and put them in the toaster. Red went back upstairs and took a quick shower. When Red got out of the shower he heard the pop of the toaster meaning his toast was done, hopefully not burnt this time. Red took out his toast, perfectly toasted, and he spread some butter on them, still undressed and wearing a towel.  Red leaned on the kitchen counter and ate his toast, savoring every bite. When Red finished his toast he went upstairs and got dressed. Red grabbed his phone and headphones and left. Red put on his headphones and put his playlist on shuffle.

It's a pretty good song, it's one of the first he had added to his playlist. Red looked at all the monsters passing by and waved to each one. Suddenly he saw the human he attacked the other day. The human was drunk again and was yelling at an innocent young human. Red felt bad for the young human, but he couldn't risk the drunk human recognizing him so he just sped up his pace and ignored it. That's all you really can do, just ignore it and hope that you don't stand out too much. It's the best way to stay safe, well, unless you're a human white cis man. Red could see his place of work up ahead and slowed is pace, he still had plenty of time before he had to clock in. Red sat down on a bench outside the lab and looked at a couple squirrels chasing after each other, probably fighting over food or something idk. Red fluffed his jacket, the air was starting to get chilly. Red watched the clouds move, the leaves of trees sway in the wind, he counted the passerby, and watched squirrels play, then he stopped. He forgot to take his meds. Red shot up and started running back to his house, he looked down at his phone, he only had 10 minutes until he had to clock in. Red slammed open his front door, taking a second to catch his breathe. Red ran to the medicine cabinet and grabbed his bottle of pills. It was empty. Shit shit shit! No fuck! Shit fuck! He ran out if his meds! No! Fuck! Fuck! No! Red started panicking and tears started to burn his eyes. "No! Fuck! Fuck Fuck!" Red cursed out loud. Red started shaking uncontrollably and his hands instinctively flew towards his neck, he forced himself not to touch his scar. There was only one way Red knew how to solve this problem. Red grabbed the bottle of melatonin, this had happened before, he almost killed himself last time. Red grabbed about 4 (maybe more?) melatonin and ate them. Red's panic got worse, but he felt the melatonin start to kick in. Red sat down, still shaking, it was starting to get harder to keep his eyes open. Red started to feel dizzy, maybe I shouldn't have taken that much. Soon Red's vision became blurry and passed out.
Red woke up to the ringing of his phone, it was Alphys. Shit. Red answered the phone. "Oh Red! T-hank the stars! I w-was getting worried!" Alphys said when Red answered. "Sorry about that Al, I slept in." Red lied. "I don't believe that!" Alphys accused. "You never sleep in!" Red sighed. Alphys didn't know that Red took medication. She didn't know that Red became broken that night. She didn't know how bad it was, and he wasn't going to tell her that. "Red, I c-called you twenty times. Unless your phone was on silent, I d-don't believe that y-you slept through it all." Alphys said, sounding more worried as the conversation went on. "Sorry Al, I really did just sleep in. Sorry." Red lied again. "Red, if something is wrong, please tell me. I am here for you. I want to help you." Alphys pleaded. Red knew that if he told Alphys what really happened that night she wouldn't be here for him, she would look at him in disgust and leave. She would never look at him again. "Really Al, everything is okay, I promise." Red lied again.
After Alphys hung up Red sighed. He felt his anxiety start to rise again. Red looked out the window and saw that it was dark out. Red knew it was dangerous, but he had to get more if his meds, it was extremely necessary. Red grabbed his phone and left. It was very dark out, he felt like he was being watched. Red walked a bit further and saw the pharmacy up ahead. Red breathed a sigh of relief, he was almost there. "Don't act so relieved. You're not safe yet." Whispered a voice. Red froze. He recognized this voice. Fatal Error. The one who raped him and killed his best friend. Red hesitantly looked behind him. It was Fatal Error. "Long time no see eh?" Fatal said with a grin. Every instinct in Red's body said run, and he's not stupid, so he did. Red ran so hard that his feet started to hurt. Red could hear Fatal running after him. Red reached the door of the pharmacy and quickly went inside. Red looked behind him and saw Fatal standing outside the door, smiling. Fatal Error waved at Red and slowly crept away into the darkness. Red let out a sigh of relief and went up to the front counter. "What can I do for you tonight." The monster at the front desk asked when Red walked up to them. "I am here for a refill on my Sertraline prescription, my name is Red The Skeleton." Red said. "Alright, I'll get you your refill and you'll be on your way." They said before going to the back of the store. Red sat down on one of the waiting chairs and turned on his phone. Red heard the door to the pharmacy open and he looked up. Dust. "Hello again." Red said cheerfully. "We keep running into each other. I think Destiny is trying to tell us something." Dust joked. Red laughed and motioned for Dust to come sit next to him.

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