Chapter 19

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Red pushed open the door of the club. It was closed today, but still had it's lights on. Red didn't know how he came to this conclusion, but he did. He figured that Fatal must of had something to do with the shooting that almost got Red killed. Why else would he be here around that time? It makes so much sense. How Fatal knew he was going to be here? That's a mystery for another day. But right now he just had to find Fatal. They did a great job at cleaning the blood stains off the floor. It looks brand new. Red had almost bled to death in here. He shuttered. The inside was dark, but the outside lights were on. That was a bit weird. They probably just forgot to when they are closing though. Red walked around a bit, nervously eyeing the security cameras in each corner. He let out a small yelp when he heard something fall and hit the ground. Red slowly walked towards the noise. It was the trashcan. The trashcan had fallen over and now there was trash all over the floor. How did the trashcan fall over if I'm the only one here? Red looked around the kitchen and bar. A door slammed behind him. Red turned whipped around. The walk-in freezer door was slightly open. Huh? Red opened the freezer door all the way and stepped inside. Suddenly he was pushed to the ground and the door slammed behind him. Red shot up and started banging on the door. "HEY! LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" Red screamed as loud as he could. Red tried everything he could to get the door to open. He kicked it. He punched it. Everything. Red sat down on the cold ground. He was starting to get tired. Really tired. Suddenly his skull hit the floor. Red's body heat had completely vanished. His breathing slowed and closed his eyes. Frost was slowly crawling it's way up Red's body. Red could feel his consciousness fading away. The last thing he heard was the door opening.

Warmth. It's been forever since he felt warm. Suddenly he was being shaken. Red grunted and opened his eyes. His vision was blurry and he was seeing triple. "Dust?" He managed to say. "Oh Red." Dust hugged him tightly with tears in his eyes. "Thank you." Red whispered before he fell unconscious again.

His entire body was filled with warmth now. Red opened his eyes and took a breathe. He managed to sit up. "Red." Dust hugged him. "I'm okay now. Thanks for saving me. I thought I was a goner." Red breathed. "What are you doing?" Dust asked. Red closed his eyes. "I'm looking for Fatal." Red said. Dust nodded. "I'll help." Dust said. "No! You could get hurt!" Red said. "Me? Hurt? You almost froze to death! I'm not leaving you." Dust said. Red knew he couldn't argue. "Okay. He's somewhere here. I'm sure of it." Red said. "Is he the one who locked you in the freezer?" Dust asked. "Probably." Red sighed. "He's probably still around here." Dust said. "I think he had something to do with the shooting here." Red said. "Huh? Why would he be involved with that?" Dust asked. "He randomly turned up right before it happened. It just makes so much sense." Red said. "Huh. It kinda does I guess." Dust said. Red looked down at the palms of his hands. They were black with frostbite. "It's on your face too." Dust said. Red sighed. "Well fuck all then." Red huffed. Red forced himself to stand up. "Let's go." Red said. Dust stood next to him and nodded. "There's a basement, it's locked, but so was the freezer. I'm sure I can break it open." Dust said. "I didn't see a basement door when I looked around earlier. Lead me to it." Red ordered. "Yes sir." Dust said and made his way to the very back of the club. The door didn't have a handle, must've been broken off. Red rammed into the door at full force and went right through, tumbling down a flight of stairs. Dust yelled and ran down after him. Red crashed at the bottom, but thankfully the door softened his fall. "Ow." Red said. "Are you okay?" Dust whispered. "Yep. Fine." Red said catching his breath. Red pushed himself up and shook himself off. "Look who finally arrived." Said a glitchy voice. Red froze. Memories flashed in his head. Dust grabbed his arm and Red was brought back to the present. "Bitch." Red hissed. Fatal laughed. "I'm gonna give you two options. You better choose wisely." Fatal said. "Either I kill you and keep your body to do whatever I wish to it, or I kill your little boy toy and you can keep the body." Fatal said. "That's not fair." Dust spat. "Life ain't fair sweetie. Now make a choice before I make it for you." Fatal growled. Red knew he had to let Fatal kill him. He couldn't let another one of his best friends get killed by Fatal. Not again. Never again. This is what he had to do. To make up for letting Sci get killed. "Fine. I choose the first option." Red said. "Just as I hoped." Fatal smiled. "What!? No! Red! You can't!" Dust cried. Red grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. "I'll get out of here alive. I promise. Go home." Red whispered. Red pulled away from Dust and stepped closer to Fatal. Red heard Dust ran up the stairs. "Okay." Red sighed. "Follow me. I have some things I want to do to you before I kill you and have my way with your dead body." Fatal said before skipping away. Red followed him. Fatal brought him to a small room and closed the door behind him. "Strip." Fatal said. "What?! Can't you do that after you kill me?" Red asked. "Do as I say or I kill the little freak. Now strip." Fatal ordered. "O-okay." Red said. Red unzipped his hoodie and took up his shirt. His hands hesitated at his pants. His mind flash back to that night. The night his life ended, or at least, the night it should've ended. Instead his best friend died for him. "Strip." Fatal hissed. Red closed his eyes and pulled down his pants. Suddenly he was thrown against the wall. Hunger in Fatal's gaze.

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