Chapter 2

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Dust threw a crumpled up piece of paper at the wall and watched as it fell onto the floor, which was covered in crumbled up paper. Dust sighed and took another swig of an old beer that been sitting opened in his room for a few days, it tasted bad and Dust made a face reflecting that. Dust stood up to grab another piece of paper, as he did he walked past a mirror. He stopped to stare at himself. He was wearing a baggy t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He looked tired, his one eye was hardly glowing. Dust reached up to touch the edges of his cracked skull. There was a sad nothingness where the rest of his face should've been. How the hell did I even survive that? Dust looked away from the mirror and grabbed a piece of paper before quickly returning to his bed. He lay on his bed staring at the ceiling hoping to find inspiration. After he lost his last job Dust had the idea to start writing songs. He hasn't gotten very far considering he can't even think of the first verse. Maybe writing songs isn't his thing? Dust was always bored, always trying to find something entertaining to do. He figured that he should look for less dangerous things to do, that's why he was trying music. Dust used to only get jobs that involved weapons and occasional killing, but ever since he lost half his face he decided to steer clear of those things. The doorbell rang. Dust totally forgot that he ordered pizza. Dust grabbed some cash and headed to the door. "Oh hey Dust!" Dust immediately recognized the person at the door. "Oh hey Hund." Dust greeted. Dust knew Hund from school, they weren't friends but they also weren't enemies. Hund was a tall German Shepard dog monster. Dust didn't know that he delivered pizzas. Hund peered behind Dust and into his messy apartment. "Life's rough?" Hund asked. Dust sighed. "Eh yeah I guess, but ay I'm working through it." Dust said. He really didn't like small talk. "Hey, I recently heard about what happened to Grillby. I'm sorry for your loss bro." Hund said with his ears down. "It's whatever. It's his family that deserves the most condolences. It's been years since that happened so I'm mostly over it now." Dust said. Mostly over it? That's a damn lie. "Well, I don't know how your love life is going, but hey, if you're looking for another boyfriend there's a new monsters only gay club/bar thing opening up friday night if you're interested. I won't be there cuz y'know, I'm not like gay." Hund said before handing Dust his pizza. If Hund and Dust had more classes together when they were in school they probably would've became friends. Also why tf does he know that a new gay bar was opening?
It was kinda sad, eating pizza all alone. Pizza was meant to be shared, but Dust didn't have anyone to share it with. Dust lay on his bed with an almost empty pizza box next to him. Why did he have to bring up Grillby? Dust remembered it all so damn clearly. Dust and Grillby were caught together when Dust's dad came home drunk. Dust's father shot Grillby dead on the spot before Dust could do anything to stop him. A few days after that Dust ended up killing his own father, he thought that taking revenge would make everything feel better, but it didn't. Dust tries to forget, but it's hard to forget something when you dream about it every night. Dust looked over at his bedside table, on it lay a golden heart shaped locket. It was given to Dust by Grillby, he knows it's not helping him move on, but it does make him feel better. It's been a while since he opened the locket, he knew inside was a picture if himself and Grillby when they were kids. Maybe he should go the the new gay club/bar, maybe he should move on and find someone to love. Love seemed like something impossible right now, but maybe he would get lucky.
Dust woke up at around noon the next day, still laying next to a now empty pizza box. Dust groaned and sat up, a million crumbs falling off of him. Dust decided if he was going to try to bring a guy over tonight he should probably clean up a bit. Dust took the pizza box and the rest of the garbage out to the trash bins outside. There was police tape everywhere at the house across the street and a few cop cars. Another murder? Dust knew that a small family of monsters had lived in that house. Dust guessed that it must have been a human that committed the murder, probably a hate crime. Dust hoped that they caught whoever did this, but knowing how the police handle crimes where the victims are monsters, they would probably close the case before finding the killer. Dust went back inside the apartment complex and back up to his room. Dust grabbed a large bag and put his sheets, blankets, and pillows inside. Dust went down to the apartment laundry room and put his stuff in the washer. Maybe I should do this more often. Dust went back to his room and waited for his laundry to finish. Dust left the locket where it was, not daring to move it after all these years. Dust decided that he would leave at around 10:30PM. That would give him time to get ready and prepare to socialize.

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