Chapter 16

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Red's chest bones were broken and splintered, one of them was completely torn off. Dust was surprised Red was even able to keep consciousness. Dust had no experience with patching wounds this bad, but he had to try. Thankfully Dust had managed to scare Fatal away, so that's one less stresser they had to deal with. Dust wrapped bandage wrap around as much as he could, trying to keep the bones in place. He took out the one that was completely broken off. The only way he would be able to fix it is if he used hot glue and duct tape, he wasn't going to be able to do that. Red's sternum had a jagged break in the center with many smaller fractures leading off it. Dust put bandage wrap on it. "Still with me?" Dust asked. "Yep." Red said quietly. Red's breathing was shaky, but he was breathing, that's what mattered most. Eventually Dust ran out of bandage wrap and he stopped. He ran upstairs and grabbed Red a new undershirt and helped him put it on, he also helped Red put on his hoodie. Dust assisted Red to the couch and made him comfortable. "Stay here." Dust said. "I wasn't planning on going anywhere." Red grumbled. Dust ran to the kitchen and finished making the hot chocolate. Dust put the perfect amount of marsh mellows in and carefully brought it over to Red, who was now sitting up. "I told you to stay." Dust said. "I didn't leave the couch." Red said. Dust sighed and handed Red the hot chocolate. Red closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. He was probably in a lot of pain. Dust carefully sat down next to Red. Thunder cracked and lightning flashed in the sky. Red gasped in fear and Dust moved closer to him. Red was shaking, he was scared. "Drink your hot chocolate." Dust told him. Red nodded and took a sip. His face went peaceful for a moment, until thunder cracked and lighting flashed again. Dust wrapped a blanket around Red, to comfort him. Suddenly the power went out. Red started crying until eventually he start hyperventilating. Dust wished he could do more to help. "It's okay Red." Dust whispered. Dust pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned in the flashlight. He put his phone face down on the table and let the light of the flashlight brighten the room. Dust looked at Red's face, it was wet from tears. "It's just a storm. Nothing bad is going to happen." Dust said. Red took another sip of his hot chocolate. "Does your chest still hurt?" Dust asked. Red nodded silently. "How bad was it? Tell the truth." Red said. Dust sighed. "It was pretty bad. You're down to one less rib." Dust said. Red stiffened and Dust got ready to comfort him, but he didn't have to. "Okay." Red said. They were both quiet for a while until Red spoke again. "Are you okay?" Red asked. "Yes, I'm okay." Dust said. "I was afraid Fatal was going to hurt you." Red said. "He didn't. Thanks to you." Dust said, resting his head against Red's shoulder. "I didn't want him to hurt you like he hurt me." Red said. "If I ever see that fucker again, I'll stab his neck instead of just his arm." Dust growled. Red breathed deeply and closed his eyes. "I'll never let him hurt you ever again." Dust said. Red nodded and took one last sip of his hot chocolate.

The lights still hadn't returned the next moring. The lighting and thunder had passed, but it was still pouring out. So much for going to the library. Red was still sleeping. Dust checked Red's pulse to make sure he was still okay. Red and Dust both fell asleep on the couch last night. Dust didn't leave Red's side at all during the night. Red hadn't woken up at all during the night, which didn't really surprise him since Red had a pretty bad injury and was hardly conscious. Red stirred and his sleep and made a small squeak noise. Dust smiled. Red was so cute. He didn't need to go to the library when he had all the time in the world with Red. Dust got up and walked to the kitchen. He put Red's meds on the table and started making breakfast. Unfortunately he couldn't electricity, so he just settled for a plain peice of bread with peanut butter, he made one for Red too. He had to use different peanut butter for Red because Red liked the crunchy peanut butter. Ashes brushed himself against Dust's leg and Dust let him lick the rest of the peanut butter off the butter knife. Foxes make the cutest happy noises, especially when they're licking peanut butter. He pulled the knife away from Ashes and threw it in the sick. Dust heard Red move on the couch and assumed that he must be awake. Dust brought Red his meds and breakfast, Red accepted them happily. Dust went back to the kitchen to grab his breakfast and fill up a glass of water. Red had already eaten his breakfast when Dust returned to the living room, so Dust gave him half of his and sat down. After breakfast Red rested his head on Dust. "How are you feeling?" Dust asked. Red grunted in response, which probably meant 'I am currently in a lot of pain' or 'I'm too tired to care'. "The electricity will probably be back by this afternoon." Dust said. Red grunted a response once again. Dust wasn't used to Red not talking, it was very worrying. Red eventually fell back asleep, and Dust started on chores. Dust knew how to clean extremely well, and he enjoyed it. He used to work as a live-in butler for two princes once, he got payed handsomely for that. He did get fired when he got caught stealing valuable items. Luckily one of the princes convinced the other not to press charges.

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