Chapter 11

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Red was staring into the barrel of a gun. Red froze. He didn't know what to do. Red was already bleeding from the glass shards all over the floor. The only thing Red could do was fight for his life. Red grabbed the gun and pushed it away and kicked the person off him. As Red was standing up the gun shot and hit Red in the side. Red screamed from the pain of the bullet and fell back onto the glass. Red got up fast and grabbed to gun from the shooter and threw it over the counter. The guy went to grab for it but Red grabbed him by the back of his shirt and threw him to the ground. Red felt dizzy as blood seeped out of him at an alarming rate, bet Red didn't have time to patch up his wound. As soon as the guy got up Red punched him right in the jaw. The guy staggered backwards and bit before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pocket knife. Red couldn't breathe. Red couldn't think. His world was clouded with pain and he felt like he would fall over and dust any second. The guy lunged at Red and aimed for his chest, Red clumsily dodged and the guy lunged at him again. Red accidently ran into the counter and the guy managed the stab Red's back. Red let out a hiss of pain and elbowed the guy and the face and climbed over the counter. Red felt dizzy, he was losing blood fast. Red saw the door that Dust had ran through, he knew this was his only escape. As Red was running to the door his vision blurred and darkened. Red reached out his hand to grab the door, but he collapsed to the ground and watched as blood pooled around him and his vision darkened.
Red could hear sirens outside. That means that Dust is okay.

Red heard yelling and gunshots.

Red felt himself being pulled onto something.

Red saw the sky. It was dark out, but he could still see the stars.

Red heard muffled talking, like he was underwater.

Red saw blinding white light.

Red felt someone touch his hand.

Red heard beeping.

Red heard a familiar voice, but couldn't make out what it said.

"I love you Red."

Red knew that voice.

Red heard himself breathing.

Red whispered.

"I love you too Dust."

Red opened his eyes and saw a blinding light. Red felt a hand tighten around his. Red looked over and saw Dust. "Dusty darling." Red whispered and smiled. Red saw that Dust was crying. Red reached out a hand and wiped the tears off of Dust's cheeks. "I was so scared." Dust whispered. "Me too." Red whispered back. "I thought you were going to die." Dust whispered, his voice cracked a little. "Me too." Red whispered and laughed quietly. Red smiled at Dust. "But I told you I wasn't gonna die. I told you." Red whispered. Dust leaned over and hugged Red tightly. Even though they haven't known each other for very long, it feels like they've known each other for a lifetime. "I'm not going to leave you alone again." Dust whispered into Red's chest. "Oh Red I was so scared. When I saw you, you were covered in blood. You had been shot. I thought you weren't going to make it." Dust whispered. "But I did make it. That's what matters." Red said and put a hand on Dust's back.
When Red got home he took a shower and put on clean clothes. Red came downstairs and saw Dust waiting for him on the couch, he had Ashes in his lap. Dust had driven Red home and when Red was in the shower Dust went and picked up Ashes. Red sat down next to Dust and threw a soft blanket around his shoulders. Dust was watching the news. "What's it say?" Red asked. "The police shot the man dead and I think you're the only surviver." Dust said. "They better not come here and stick cameras in my face and try to interview me. I'm not ready for that bullshit." Red grumbled. Ashes gave Red a little lick and curled back up on Dust's lap. "Still don't understand how you tamed a fox." Red laughed. "It was easy. All I had to do was step out of my comfort zone a bit." Dust said. This feels like the end of trouble for now, but with Fatal Error around, I don't think this will be the end of our worries.

Red woke up, it was still dark out. Red turned over and saw that Dust was still sleeping peacefully. It's been about a month since the club shooting and Red and Dust's love for each other was growing every day. Dust started to move his stuff into Red's house yesterday, things were happening so fast, but that's how it's always been. Red looked at Dust's back, old scars still shown. Red had scars too, even more since the shooting when he fought the shooter. Red felt Ashes move slightly at the foot of the bed. Red always thought it was cute that Ashes had a golden locket, but Red knew that Dust probably had it before he got Ashes. Red would ask him about it, but he felt like it might be a touchy subject, Dust would tell him when he felt comfortable. "Stop being awake." Dust grumbled. "How did you know I was awake?" Red asked. Like how the fuck? "I could feel you looking at me." Dust said sitting up. "You felt me staring at you?" Red was very confused. "I felt the burning coming from your eyes." Dust shrugged. "You get weirder everyday." Red laughed and shook his head, Ashes yipped in agreement. "See, even Ashes thinks you're weird." Red said jokingly. "Who wants to be normal anyways?" Dust asked. Red shrugged and got out of bed. "Hey! Where are you going?" Dust asked. "I'm getting a snack." Red answered. "Hold on. Let me get my clothes on and I'll come with you." Dust said, leaping out of bed.

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