Shock [Part 12]

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I really am.

The headache lessened but the drip of blood from my nose is still flowing. Minho laid me softly on the floor. Literally everyone gathered there.

I didn't know how to stop this dripping blood from my nose, and as if reading my mind, Minho called the Med-Jacks to check up on me.

"Thank you Minho" I croaked. "Don't mention it" He gave a smile and went upstairs.

A couple of minutes later, the blood stopped. My eyes started to droop a bit and I heard yawns around. Minho, Newt, Thomas and Alby came down and settled with the other Gladers, turning in with their pillows and blankets. The bed had gone to Newt so the other Gladers were crammed, with me on the far side. Sleep finally came and took me into a dreamless one.

About two in the morning, a mechanized surge of machinery sounded from outside, followed by a familiar rolling-click sounds of a Griever.

I saw Thomas shot up so I sat up, not too quickly; and saw Newt waving his arms, then shushing the room by putting a finger to his lips.

He and Thomas tiptoed to the large cracks to take a look outside. For a few seconds they watched, but nothing came up so they sat back down.

A few minutes passed, various Griever sounds seemed to come closer.

The squeal of their engines, their grinding spin of metal, the clicking of their spikes against the Glade's stone floor.

The others in the room were still; no one made a sound. Fear seemed to come seeping in like black sand.

One of them sounded like it was moving toward the Homestead. The whole building shuddered suddenly, and shredding sounds of wood came after. The crunching and shredding and groaning grew louder, closer.

The other Gladers had shuffled and backed away from the window as far as possible and I followed suit. We knew; we felt the Griever was right outside the window and everything fell silent. The Griever's lights flickered, casting odd beams through the cracks. A shadow moved and interrupted the light, moving back and forth. The shadow stilled, casting three unmoving lights into the room.

The tension grew thick; I think everyone stopped breathing. The door from the hallway suddenly whipped open. My eyes adjusted to the figure there and felt my headache came back abruptly.

It was Gally.

Note :

I'm very sorry if I'm spamming your notifications because I edited a lot of things in the story (just a bit, minor things)

Well it's good to be back finally, I don't freaking care about how the fuck my test results are I just hope I graduate!

Okay, will be researching again for the next chapters, see ya later!

Dunda x

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