Burnt [Part 15]

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"Wha- why?" I asked incredulously. It's not the shucking time for romance!

"No it's not what you think it is. Just- just follow me and I'll explain" Thomas continued to walk briskly towards the Slammer.

"Tommy, where you goin?" Newt suddenly appeared behind me, making me jump.

"Whoa, sorry Y/N. We need ya here, right now. See the buggin' smoke?"
Newt pointed his thumb over his shoulder and we saw the metal door of the Map Room slightly ajar, black smoke drifting out to the gray (not to mention fake) sky.

"Someone burned the maps" Newt said. "Every last one of em"

Thomas took this information not that serious, for some reason he didn't care about the maps that much. "Sorry Newt I just need to go for a second, then I'll get back to you on the maps" He gestured for me to follow him again, leaving Newt dumbfounded.

"Um, tell me again why are we letting Teresa out of the Slammer?"

Thomas paced nervously as he keeps his eye level on me.
"Well we're not actually letting her out; I mean I don't even have the keys. The point is, I might know how to get out of the Maze but I kinda need her help. She's um, she's different"

Without saying, I know he's lying. Something is off about this Teresa, but if it means survival out of the Maze, I'm gonna take the risk.

"Fine" I finally said.

He reached out his hand, and I reluctantly take it. I feel a bit guilty now that I remember Gally, and his promise. But WICKED has him now and I can't even stop it.

He's dead; or just appears so like it.

I've been staring at the grass so long, I didn't even realize that we're already at the Slammer. "Can you wait here?" Thomas asked. "Um yeah sure?"

I waited and tried to eavesdrop a bit. I heard things like cut that junk out (what junk?), Gally (damn), psycho kid (what?), Map Room, spelling, codes. I mean I just can't think of what the heck they're saying!

Suddenly Thomas became frantic and came stumbling back, looking at the Map Room.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, worried. "Yeah what's wrong Tom?" Teresa asked back, demanding an answer. I looked at them back and forth, confused.

"Well someone burned all the Maps. If there was a code, it's gone" Thomas finally said with a pale face. He turned, ready to go back. "I'll be back! I need to see if any of the Maps survived! Y/N c'mon!"

"Wait!" Teresa yelled. "Get me out of here!"

"Okay can you tell me what is happening? I don't get what you were saying with her!" I baffled. "I'll explain later! I just gotta find Newt and Minho"
He looked at my face and immediately took my hand. A jolt came through me, and he looks to me in the eye.

"I'm sorry, I just, I gotta run okay? I'll meet you there"
With that, he took off to the Map Room.

I followed soon after and saw Alby flat on his back, tended by Newt. Apparently there's a huge bloody gash on his forehead. Thomas was speaking with Minho, a bit of argument going on.

What the hell is going on?

"Yo" I jumped back as Winston greeted me. Damn I jump a lot I could get abs from it.

"Shuck it Winston don't scare me!" I brushed my hair back. "Sorry" He said. "Whatcha doin here?"
"Um, the smoke- right?" I lied. "Yeah, said someone burned the maps. The Glade is just getting more messed up day after day" Winston continued. I look in the corner of my eye that Thomas and Minho were gone from the spot they argued.

God dammit. "Um hey Winston, I saw that Alby's hurt so maybe you could call the Med Jacks here"

"Uh um sure, be right back" He shot me a questioning look, then nodded. I watch him walk away until I confirm he's gone.

Finally seeing Thomas, Newt and Minho from afar, I sprint carefully; following them to get to the bottom of this.

Note :
Ok so my story isn't that good anymore and I will be less updating because I'm going to a boarding school.
I'm just gonna update when I feel like it because I don't have any motivation to do this anymore. I'm open to suggestions, and keep on reading
Dunda x

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