Words [Part 18]

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It was shocking.

We worked on and on and finally got a chain of words like FLOAT and CATCH. It's definitely working, though it doesn't make any sense.


Minho announced that the Runners still needed to go out to the Maze and have a look if something might've changed. Thomas argued that this was more important but Minho pointed out the part that they should try Thomas' idea in staying in the Maze overnight, and finally, he said yes.

Before leaving, he turned for a moment and called, "Y/N"

"Yeah?" I replied curtly. "I- You don't have to do this, you know. Newt will find other Gladers to help with this, and I know you've been.. You know. These past few days weren't exactly nice to you" He said.

I didn't actually realize about how I'm feeling until Thomas pointed it out. Yes, it was hard, and cruel, and not exactly what you call a sunshine-y week. Hell, there wasn't even any sun in the Glade. But despite of what he said, I felt nothing. I feel nothing. I know that I should be scared, or crying, or having this emotional breakdown but it's just nothing.

"It's fine. I'm fine. I'm staying here so I can be some kind of help in getting us out of here. I just want it to be over with, you know?"

Thomas eyed me, concern plastering his face. I can't blame him, I'm worried about me too.

"Yeah. I know" He turned and finally went up the stairs without saying goodbye.


Newt brought in several Gladers to help us with the mysterious Map codings. It's been roughly 24 hours since Thomas left and us working non-stop except for brief breaks. Suddenly Thomas was back, without Minho, and looked hopeless. My guess is they didn't found anything particularly different about the Maze then.

Teresa was first to show him our discovery, holding the papers and giving it to Thomas. "No doubt this is right, but we just don't have a clue what it means"

In it, there were the six words that kept repeating itself for months in the Maze.







"Cheerful, don't ya think?" Newt said. Thomas replied, "Yeah. We need to get Minho down here, maybe he knows something we don't. If we just had more clues-" Then he stopped abruptly.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked. His face went so pale like he'd seen a ghost but then he shook his head, "Sorry... I'm fine. My eyes are hurting, I think I need some sleep"

"Well," Newt said. "You spent all bloody night out in the Maze. Go doze off a bit, yeah?"

He didn't say anything but just nodded and headed for the stairs.

I knew something was wrong, this is very unlike Thomas and I ain't buying his 'I think I just need some sleep' shuck.

I am going to keep a very watchful eye on him,



Note :

Okay this was very short but promise that the next one would be longerrrrrrr 'cause it's the big revealment and escape! (and still, I'm going to speed up the timeline, again.)

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Dunda x

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