The sound [Part 6]

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At afternoon, I decided to go back to work out of boredom.

Just until lunch, a familiar sound came up.

The Box was coming up, unexpected.

Gladers were shouting, running towards the Box. Newt was in front with Gally, opening it up.

When did he got here? I thought.

Gladers were all in the way, so I couldn't see anything. I just realized Thomas was beside me and he couldn't see anything either.

Someone (finally) shouted, "What's down there?" Newt and Gally shared a look and got down to the Box.
They looked flummoxed and Newt finally speaks up.

"It's a girl"

There were gasps everywhere, whispers. God, as if there hasn't been any girl around here.

Then I remembered my first day at the Glade.

It was chaos.

I finally can see her; the girl.

She looks lifeless, or dead perhaps. She was really pretty. And by means, REALLY pretty, even though her eyes were closed. She seemed to be clutching a note.

Newt reached it and read the note, "She's the last one, ever. What's that suppose to mean?"

Suddenly she jolted up with her fierce blue eyes looking wildly to us.

"Everything is going to change Tom" She gasped and fell back asleep again.

Thomas stayed there, unmoved, with the Gladers all eyeing him. Gally moved towards him and I know what he was going to do.

"Gally no!" I surge towards him but he pushed me away harshly; he was too powerful to stop. My back hurt from the impact and my headache came back.

I pushed it as I stumbled to stand up again but Newt interjected, "Wait Y/N"

I looked up at him, confused.

"What's that suppose to mean, huh greenie? You got some explanation? Do you know her? Because I think she does" Gally stormed towards Thomas. Thomas didn't look frightened now, he seemed to be angry.

"I don't know her, and I know nothing just like you guys do! Like you do! Don't blame it all on me like I'm some klunk who you can trash around all the time!"

Gally was shocked by his words, but anger just welled up in his chest even more, and it shows because his face is getting redder as ever.

"Well greenie, you're the one who got in here just yesterday and now this girl claims to know your name! Well what are the odds?" Thomas just stands there, silent and not doing anything.

"Gally, just slim it okay? There's nothing to be argued about again. Thomas is saying the truth; he doesn't know anything just like we do" Newt finally stepped up to him and held a hand in front of his chest.

Gally flicked away Newt's hand and flung a fist towards Thomas. It hit Thomas' face with a whack, and Thomas hit Gally at his stomach.

The other boys who were just watching is now trying to pull them apart with me in the middle, trying to separate those two.

"Stop it, BOTH OF YOU!"
I finally screamed and they both stopped.

Thomas looked at Gally in the eye, like he was asking for peace. And as if reading his mind, Gally shook his head.

"Forget it"

Note :

oh. my. god. I actually miss wattpad so much and I can't believe that you guys are still adding this book to your reading list. I thank all of you, I feel so grateful. 💙


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